2- part 6

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Max's lip wavered as her eyes welled with tears, the both girls frozen in their places in shock. Both of them had spent that last months under the impression the other might be dead. For months the two had no one to turn to, Sarah was isolated and max had tried pushing everyone away.
So many emotions and memories resurfaced for them in this moment. Sarah had dreamt about seeing max again, she hoped the latter had too.
Minutes that felt like hours passed as the two broken teens stared at each other in awe. They finally collided in a much needed hug, tears soaking each others shirts, soft whispers exchanged.
Sarah slowly pulled her head way from Max's shoulder, slowly trailing her hands up the cup her face, pulling her in for a passionate kiss.
Their lips moulded together, for the first time in too long they felt like no one else mattered. They were the only people left on earth, Max's mum wasnt in the living room, Robin wasn't sitting in Steve's car watching her 'little sister' have her moment. They were all that mattered to each other. As they pulled away Sarah delicately wiped over Max's checks with her sleeve.
"Don't cry" she said sniffling
"Like you can talk" max said causing them both to chuckle.
"I missed you so much mayfield" I said looking into her eyes.
"Me too."  Our hands fell from each other's faces intertwining themselves.
"You should come stay with us" I gestured to Robin in the car with a small smile planted on my face
"I would, I- really would but. Mom she. God it's like she's gone mental." Max's face faltered as she mentioned her mother, something must have happened while I was gone.
"Oh, yea that's ok. Do you still have one of the walkies?" I asked using Steve's terminology
"Yea, I'll uh. I'll talk to you tonight? Same Channel?" She asked hugging me again
"Same Channel." I gave her another peck on the lips and lent our foreheads together her hands held mine as they rested on her cheeks. "Max."
"I still love you"
"I still love you too" a comfortable silence came over us as we closed our eyes begging the tears to go away.
"I'll talk to you tonight." I said slowly backing away opening the car door again.
"Tonight." Max smiled giving me a wave.

Robin pulled out of the road turning around.
"Sooo how'd it go?" She asked teasingly
"Oh shut up, do t act like you didn't just watch us that entire time." I jokingly snapped at her.
"Ok then" she laughed, doing a slight double take, "when did you get my clothes?"
"Oh funny story actually, NANCY had them." Robins face turned a light shade of pink, "care to explain?"
"Nope." Her eyes remained on the road and we sat in silence the rest of the ride. This was going to be interesting.

Very short chapter I know, come fight me if you really care.
Maybe then you guys will have something to say about this book😂

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