2- part 8

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Sharon's voice became more prominent in my ears as she spoke, but her words slurred together mushing into one sound. Occasionally a syllable could be deciphered but no more than that. I desperately tried to look at her, my mind not connecting to my muscles.
"Stop trying to move. It will only hurt more." Her soft voice slowly trailed into a more demonic one.
"W-what?" I asked in a shaky voice.
"Your suffering will end soon, do not panic" a shooting pain spread throughout my body as a hand like figure came into view covered in what could only be described as vines. "I must admit Sarah you do have quite the imaginative mind."
I began gasping for air when I could, as a constricting feeling came over my lungs. "W-hat do you need from me. You already have your grand plan." I spat at the monster in front of me.
"A little thing some like to call, compensation. Your little girlfriends escaped my hold, so why not take something that will damage everyone."
My body ache as Vecna strengthened his mental power over me, my limbs were being tied to a tower by vines. Flashes of Max's drawings entered my mind as I let my eyes wander my surroundings glueing to the decomposed beings trapped on stakes like the one I was on.
In the moment of remembering the girl I realised if she had survived Vecna I could to, using the same method I might be able to buy myself time.
One memory sticking out, I harshly blinked my eyes transporting me to my old house in Australia.
Pancake batter scattered the kitchen as I slowly walked through the house sitting at the island bench in the middle. It was from before my dad had died, we woke up on a Sunday morning and decided to make pancakes as our secret treat for the day.
He heated the pan as I mixed the batter adding in choc chips last I turned around to see my dad gone, he hid behind the table jumping up yelling causing me to throw the mixture in his face.
Twenty minutes went by and we had to clean the kitchen top to bottom after a very intense batter fight.
I smiled looking around the room reminiscing the times I had spent in this house. When my eyes went back to the door a cold feeling made my heart sink....( get it sink, like Sadie Sink. Heh... no? Ok)
"You are not as good as you think. And yet you still have so much potential." His riddle like sentences echoed, forcing me back to his void area filled with red mist and ruins of the creel house.
"No, see that's the difference between you and I. I don't let other see my full potential, because then they know my weaknesses." I closed my eyes again transporting myself behind Vecna, picking up a loose stick and driving into his back. I retreated back gaining a distance between us before pushing my hands at Vecna tossing him back into another wall.
Behind me the oh so familiar guitar riff played throughout the void.

'Welcome to your life'

I used all of my power to send Vecna as far back as possible.

'There's no turning back'

Collecting energy from memories.
Memories of max, dad, Steve and Robin. And even the idiot party members. Thinking of them may tears well in my eyes and my screams echoed on top of the song.

'Even while we sleep'
'Acting on your best behaviour'

My legs began to feel insanely heavy as I pushed once more, trying to turn around to opening.

'Turn your back on mother nature'

My footsteps sloshed the liquid on the ground as I sprinted as fast as I could, the portal like image slowly coming closer to me. Everything went black.

'Everybody wants to rule the world'

My eyes shot open, the song now playing ten times louder directly into my ears, on its instrumental break.
My stomach flipped as I fell to the ground frantically panicking as I tore off the headphones to rid myself of the ringing in my ears as I tried to locate the mystery person that saved me.
"Hey- hey it's ok" Steve's calming voice made me collapse into his arms as I sobbed, slowly looking up I found Dustin sitting next to me with mixtapes sprawled around him and his walkie in hand.
The younger boys eyes met mine as he noticed what I had seen.
"I called max, s-she's on her way." He whispered. This was far from the reunion I wanted. The two boys I considered to be my brothers watched me almost die and now the person I loved was rushing over in the middle of the night after hearing about my near death experience over a stupid radio.
My face slightly faltered at the idea but quickly turned to a small grin.
"You have no idea how happy I am to hear your guys voice." My shaky voice spoke for the first time, causing Steve to help me sit up so he could face me.
"You have no idea how nice it is to see you. To be able to talk to you directly." He almost chuckled, "you gave us a hell of a scare."
"Trust me, I scared myself."
The cool air was silence yet comfortable as the three tackled each other in a well deserved hug. Only pulling back at the sound of heavy footsteps approaching at a speeding rate.
Max's voice finally rang through my ears, the authentic, real voice of max mayfield.
The girl slowed down taking in the sight in front of her through her bloodshot eyes. Her crush sat with tear stain cheeks between Dustin Steve and one heck of a collection of tapes. She melt down next to Sarah taking the girls face between her hands almost as a reassurance she was actually sitting in front of her.
"Max." Sarah's voice came out as a mere whisper, the two broken teens stared at each other both on the verge of tears again.

'Everybody wants to rule the world'

The Walkman clicked signalling its tape had run out.

(Quick thanks to my bestie for literally helping write and set the theme for this entire chapter😂)

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