2- part 4

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My plane had finally landed after three hours of hectic turbulence. I found myself walking around the town, busying myself by finding a caravan park, in an attempt to steal a shower.
However on my travels a cheap petrol station filled with trickiest caught me eye.

This is by far my stupidest idea.

I pushed through the glass door causing a little bell to ring, I made my way towards a small coffee table with about 5 men looking to be in there mid 40s.
"Afternoon gentlemen" my voice stopped them all, each one taking their time to look at me in confusion.
"I could be wrong but I think your in the wrong place." One of them spoke, his thick southern accent showing.
I cleared my throat, "well your not wrong, but I was hoping you guys might be headed north, that's where I need to be." They all shook their heads
"No way, just came back from their, shit hole I'll tell ya. You don't want to be there, massive earthquake."
I nodded slowly backing away sitting at a table off to the side.

Earthquake? We aren't anywhere near the ring of fi-
My thoughts were cut off my a lady tapping me on the shoulder, she was dressed in an ambulance uniform, "how far north are you wanting to go?"
"Uh- hawkins? It's a small town?"
"Yea? That's were I'm going. Got a crew carrying supplies up there, a spare seat in the car with me if you want it?"
A small smile spread across
"Really? I can pay for fuel, although I only have-" I dug into my backpack sweep my hand around, "two dollars?" I looked at her concerned biting my lip.
"No need" she waved her hand walking out of the store.
Once again I rushed myself tossing my bag over one shoulder as I chased after her to the car.
"Thanks again... any idea how long the trip is?"
She climbed into the driver seat unlocking the door for me on the other side.
"Only 45 minutes last stretch of the trip." She gave me a tight lipped smile.

Was I really this close to home?

"Awful things happening that town. Why on earth are you going?" She asked starting a conversation
"It's my home. My people are there." I stopped and thought for a minute before speaking again, "what exactly had happened, I left a while ago and haven't been in contact."
"The towns split, not mentally literally split. In quarters, the earthquake a few months back did it, governments Ben trying to evacuate since, but I guess there's stubborn people there."
My smiled faded as I absorbed her words, months? I thought I had merely been gone for three maybe four weeks.

Why didn't Dustin say anything? They couldn't find me for months? Did they want to find me?

"Yea... it's a pretty stubborn town."
She laughed at my response focusing on the road as I stared out my window, slowly losing myself in my thoughts.

A slight chuckle interrupted me
"Quite ironic"
"The shop back there, it's split, but the sign says it was called war zone." She laughed again, "living up to the name"
I laughed with her,

War zone? We're already in hawkins

I looked out my window again to see the sign I had dreaming about for.. months.

"Alright my stop is just up here. Good luck kid, go see your people." We pulled up in front of the school, nightfall slowly spreading. My heartbeat slowly increasing as nervousness took over, my eyes trailed the red cloudy skies. Building burnt in half.

The gates. No wonder the party was on house arrest. House? Who's closest? Mike?

My legs started sprinting before my mind caught up, arms swinging in an effort to push me faster , I skidded almost falling as I turned down their street. My breath wavering at my pace slowly nearing the most familiar front door. My shoes clapped against the concrete driveway. I stopped suddenly avoiding crashing into my aunts garden. In my filthy state on knocked on their. My infamous uncles voiced boomed.
"Someone get the door!" He was definitely closest I rolled my eyes at his antics.
"Nancy!" My aunt called, heavy footsteps trailed through the house as my cousin neared the door.
My heart raced and my eyes watered. Nancy opened the door aggressively, only to be taken aback, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I sobbed into her shoulder while she rubbed my back.
"Dustin said he finally got ahold of you." Her sniffles interrupted her, "he was so happy to hear from you."
We pulled back as my aunt came to the door, "Nancy who is-" another hug consumed me, this one being quicker she pulled back cupping my face in her hands. "Oh, what happened to you?" She pouted a little.
My eyes searched around, "where's Mike?"
"He's ok, him and the boys have been together all day. Haven't see each other for weeks."
"Speaking of that boy should be home!" Teds voice echoed not noticing the reunion that was happening in his front door. Nancy and aunt Karen ushered me in, my aunt resumed making dinner as Nancy dragged me upstairs. She handed me a towel and a pile of clothes, "you look like you are in desperate need of a shower" she smiled
"T-thanks nance, but uh. Not to rude or unthankful it's just your clothes-"
"There robins"
My mouth formed and 'o' shape, and slowly my head tilted confused. After a second it changed again into a sort of smirk.
"Robins clothes? Why do you have robins clothes." Nancy pushed me into the bathroom closing the door.
"Have a shower!" I only laughed missing version of family. My antics didn't stop me from taking up the offer, I dumbed my three day- old clothes and turned on the shower letting the warm water envelope me in a for of bliss. No words to describe the relief of washing away the sweat, dirt and oil that had claimed home on my skin in the past days.

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