The Long Goodbye Pt. 2

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This book has been in the works for over and year and I love how dedicated you readers were to it and especially to those who gave me support and help from the very first chapter. Anyway hope you enjoy the final chapter. 


This was without a doubt the hardest thing that Asia had to do in a long time. Saying goodbye to someone who made her happier in three months than she had been in three years wasn't going to be easy. 

Looking around at the boys who had become her friends this past summer  Asia took a deep breath and decided to get this part over with.

"I don't know how to do this." Asia said as Niall wrapped his left arm around her waist.

Shannon, Amber, Briannie, and Destiny walked off to leave Asia with the boys. Lou and Erin were still M.I.A.

"We're not saying goodbye, A. Just see ya later. You're a part of us now. We're not saying goodbye."

Smiling Asia tried to hold her tears back as she leaned in and rested her head on his shoulder. 

"I second that." Zayn said smiling as he rested his head on her other shoulder.

Asia smiled and leaned in to hug the two boys who she bonded with the most. She was dreading the idea of saying goodbye to all five of them but as she looked at her friends making their way through security she knew it was time.

"You know that whenever you want another writing partner or a shoulder to cry on I'm here." Zayn said with a smile as he handed her a piece of paper. 

"Don't be a stranger. Text. Call. Whatever. I'm here." 

"I know, Zayn. I know."

"I'm only a phone call away. Might take a few days but I'll get there." Niall added smiling.

"I love you guys." Asia said wrapping her arms around them and hugging them.

"What am I? A loser." Liam asked with a smile.

Asia turned and faced Liam with a smile and hugged him. 

"Thank you for everything, Asia." He whispered in her ear.

"I didn't do anything." Asia replied smiling.

"You made him happy again. You changed his life. I'm grateful for that."

Breaking out of their embrace, Asia sighed and took his hand. 

"I know that I made him happy. He made me happy too. Happier than I've been in a long time. It was  a great summer, Liam. You guys made it a great summer for me."

Liam smiled.

"I'm glad to be of service. Be happy and enjoy life. Remember we're here for you. Always."

"I know. I know. Love you, Liam!"

"Has anyone seen...." Before Zayn could even mumble the name, Louis and Erin came running into the airport lobby.

"What took you so long?" Niall asked checking his watch.

"We were ummm..." Louis started.

"Saying goodbye." Erin finished placing her bags into the security scanner.

Asia sighed.

"Of course you were. Can I steal him for a second?" She asked Erin with a wink.

"Take him away." She replied smiling.

"So we need to get a few things straight, Boobear." Asia said as she walked with Lou to the soda machine.

"Yes?" Louis asked smiling.

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