Why Can't We Be Friends?

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As she walked out to meet Harry her phone rang.

"Hello?" Asia said.

"Asia! Why didn't you call us when you landed!?" A loud voice boomed.

"Hi, Mom." Asia answered laughing.

"I asked you a question, Asia. Why didn't you call? Everyone was worried about you."

Asia sighed. Her parents were like that. Granted, they ususally trusted her to take care of herself but when it all came down to it, Asia knew her parents worried.

"I just got side-tracked." Asia replied looking out at Harry.

'Well that's no excuse. How are you? How's the room? The job? Are you okay?" Her mother rambeled into the phone.

"I'm fine. The room is great. King sized bed, air conditioning, the whole nine yards. Work is great. First assigment had a glitch but I'm getting it fixed."

Asia's mother Katlyn smiled and sighed.

"Good. I was worried. Now be careful. Be safe. We all love you and call us soon."

Asia smiled.

"I love you too. I'll call you soon. Bye."

Katlyn smiled.

"Bye. I miss you."

Asia sighed as she hung her cell phone up and walked to the door.

"I didn't realize you did this." Asia said walking up to Harry.

Harry smiled and took his helmet off.

"It's something I've always wanted. Just to ride for hours and get away." He said leaning on the bike.

"So what exactly are we doing today?" Asia asked smiling.

"Well I was thinking that if you are up for it I have this place I wanted to show you. You prepared to get wet?" He asked smiling.

Smiling she lifted her shirt of reveal a bathing suit.

"Perfect." Harry said helping Asia onto the bike.

"Hold on." He said smiling.

"Okay." Asia replied wrapping her arms around his waist.

Being a usually easy going person, it was very unusual for Asia to doubt things. She went with her heart.

Her outlook on life was simple. Go with God and everything went into place. She never doubted that. She knew regardless of what happened; God would show her the way.

Her faith was something that Asia considered to be the cornerstone of her life.

How she lived. How she loved. How she conducted herself was based on her faith.

She would never compromise her beliefs for anything; even a fling with one of the most eligible unattainable guys on the planet. No matter how cute he was.

Being a Christian wasn't just a religion for Asia it was her way of life. She fully believed in everything that her religion taught her; regardless of when she started practicing it.

Being Christian to Asia was a way to be the best version of herself and spread her faith to people who may need it. She was a fully put together person and regardless of pressures she intended on keeping her head above water.

"So how are you in water?" Harry asked as they rounded a corner.

Getting back to earth, Asia smiled. She didn't swim. Ever.

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