Let's Make a Deal

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"So the women is trying to kill her husband but the new girl knows and is calling the cops?" Asia asked slightly confused at the movie Harry picked.

"Exactly." Harry said smiling.

"You don't like it." He said looking at her.

The movie pick was Niagra. An old movie which was actually Marilyn Monroe's first speaking role in film.

Asia smiled at the irony of Louis owning a Marilyn movie considering that was Erin's favorite movie actress.

"I like it. It's not exactly my speed." She said smiling.

"We can always do something else." He said.

"Is that a proposition?" Asia asked smiling.

"Do you want it to be?" He asked back.

Asia hated when he did that.

Answered a question with a question.

It was so cute.

"I don't know what I want honestly." She admitted.

Harry looked at her and smiled.

"Let's find out." He said leaning over across the couch and laying on top of her.

Her breath was gone.

She was caught.

He ran his fingers through her hair and looked into her eyes.

He leaned in and kissed her.


Enough to help make her decision come quicker but also enough to make her think.

She didn't even kiss him back.

She let him kiss her.

"Wow. That was...ummm." Asia said with little breath.

"Amazing." Harry finished.

"Yeah. That." Asia said smiling.

As he tried to lean in to kiss her again, Asia pushed him away.

"Goodnight, Harry." She said standing and walking to the bedroom.

With a sigh of failure, Harry fell back onto the couch.


Trying to get sleep that night was horrible.

The idea that a GODLY hunk of man was sleeping only a few feet away after that kiss was enough to send Asia into a frenzy.

Harry wasn't doing so good himself.

He wasn't used to waiting for a woman.

He usually got what he wanted without needing to ask for it.

He didn't need to impress anyone.

Asia was different.

He liked how different she was.

Waking up the next morning after a night of tossing and turning and listening to Louis and Erin flirting, Asia heard Harry in the kitchen.

Tossing the covers off, Asia realized she fell asleep in her bra and panties with no clothes on.

She grabbed a black silk robe off the end of the bed left by Danielle as part of Asia's new wardrobe.

Wrapping it around her body she realized how short it was only reaching the middle of her thigh and covering the bra and panties.

She sighed and walked out into the kitchen seeing Harry in his blue boxers.

He still had bed hair which made him look even more adorable than he usually was.

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