Making A Choice

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"This is Jason?" Harry asked looking at Asia and seeing the sudden change in her facial expression.

She was frozen. She couldn't look at him. She couldn't take her eyes off Jason. He was actually there. He found her.

"I'm Asia's boyfriend." Jason said.

"As I heard it; it was EX-Boyfriend." Harry said stepping in front of Asia to face Jason.

"Well we hadn't discussed it. That's why I'm here." Jason said defending himself

"Well if you hadn't noticed, you were interrupting us. So if you don't mind...."

Harry wasn't even aware of Jason's next move as Jason lifted his hand and punched Harry sending him to the floor. Harry lifted his hand to his face and when he moved it he was bleeding.

"Jason?! What is wrong with you?" Asia asked as she hurried to Harry's side.

"Let's see how strong your dream boy is. See if he can fight for you like a real man." Jason said prepared to fight.

Asia looked at Harry and saw the anger in his eyes.

"You don't have to do this." She said to him.

"Yes I do." He replied as he stood trying to keep his balance.

"Well I refuse to stand here and watch you two fight over something that doesn't make any sense." Asia said as she walked to the bedroom and slammed the door.

"What am I going to do?" She asked herself as she paced back and forth across the room.

A lamp from the other room crashed.

"This is insane. I need help." She said to herself as she rushed to her phone.

She scrolled down the screen and dialed the one person she knew would know what to do.

"Hello?" A very tired voice said.

"Lily?" Is that you?" Asia asked.

"Yes, fool! What do you want? It is 3 am!"

"I need your advice. Please this is serious." She begged.

Sitting up on her bed, Lily smiled.

"Okay. What's wrong?" She asked.

Asia sighed preparing for the moment she would have to tell her best friend that she messed up. ROYALLY!

"Jason is here." Asia said.

"WHAT?! How? When? Why?" Lily asked.

To be honest, Asia had no idea. She didn't know why Jason was there and why he suddenly wanted to fight for her.

"He showed up at this cottage I'm staying at on assignment." Asia started.

"Okay....and he wanted to talk?" Lily asked.

"He wanted to talk but then Harry tried to fight for my honor and a huge fight started. Now I'm in my room with the door locked and trying not to lose what's left of my mind." Asia said running her fingers through her newly straightened hair.

"Asia, listen to me. Listen to your best friend, okay? I know this is hard to do but you need to make a choice. Harry or Jason. This can't go any further than this. So I'm going to hang up and you are going to go out there and tell these boys what one you want. I love you and be sure you do what makes you happy."

The phone clicked off and Asia sighed.

"Okay. You can do this." Asia said to herself as she walked to the door. She opened the door and Jason ran from the room and outside.

Harry walked over to her.

"So I guess your boyfriend is used to fighting. He has one hell of a right hook."

Asia noticed the blood on his arm and above his eyebrow.

This had gone too far. She had to make a choice.

"I have to go after him." She said walking to the door.


"I need to talk to him, Harry. I'm sorry." She said as she walked out.

"Guess she made her choice." Harry said taking a velvet box out of his pocket.

"No need for this." He said as he tossed the box into the trash.

"She doesn't want me anyway. She wants him."

"Jason, wait!" Asia yelled as Jason opened his car door.

"What?" He said angry.

"I need to tell you something." She said.

"I'm tired of talking, Asia." He said walking closer.

"So damn tired."

Before she could move or even breath his mouth was on hers.

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