What Are Friends For Anyway?

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Thankss to everyone who is reading and giving me feedback. I was supposed to update this 3 times this weekend but due to faulty internet connections and the SAT's i only had time for 1. Sorry :( Anyway....hope you like it. Click that VOTE button ;-)

Looking at the ceiling in her hotel room counting the holes, all Asia could think about was Harry.

How did this happen? She thought to herself as she thought about what happened. She wasn't the girl that got nervous around guys. She wasn't the girl that was afraid to be alone with a guy. She was the girl that hung out with guys. So why was this so different? Well, besides who the guy was. Deciding to delay her doubts until the morning she dressed and sat at the desk in her room and logged on to Skype. Maybe her friends could help her understand this.

Looking at her friends names on the log in screen she saw that Amber, Destiny and Erin were all logged in. THANK GOD! She thought as she clicked on the conversation button.

"Where have you been?" Destiny practically yelled into the camera when she saw Asia.

"I have been busy. They gave me an assignment the second I landed. It was insane." Asia replied smiling.

"Well!" Amber started to say. "How was it?!' She asked.

Asia sighed and smiled. "It was amazing. I got booked to take pictures for a wedding. Guess who was getting married?" she asked.

"Who?" They all asked at the same time.

"Sam!" Asia replied.

"Sam? As in Theater class Sam?" Destiny asked.

"Yup. She answered. "I had no idea. It was a beautiful wedding. Well until the fans ruined it."

Confusion filled the three friends faces. "What fans?" Destiny asked.

"Oh! How did I forget. One Direction sang at the wedding." Asia said smiling ear to ear.

All three girls burst into fits of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Asia asked not getting whatever joke was said.

"Honey, you must be really tired. Why don't you talk to us tomorrow?" Amber said smiling.

"What do you mean? I'm wide awake? What?" she asked completely lost.

She realized what was going on. They thought she was lying. They didn't believe her. The most exciting thing that has ever happened to her and no one believes her.

"Are you trying to say that I'm lying?" Asia asked slightly angry.

"I don't think you're lying!" Erin said trying to muffle laughter under her breath.

"Well fine! I guess I'm lying. Great talking to all of you. Bye" She said logging off.

Trying to calm herself down she started to pace back and forth. It shouldn't bother her this much. She shouldn't be this upset. Hearing her phone ring she picked it up.

"WHAT?!" She yelled angry.

"I guess I can call back later." a voice answered.

Harry! She realized.

"No. Don't. I'm sorry. My friends just got to me. What's up?" She asked.

"I wanted to apologize for earlier. For making you run all over London." He said with a laugh.

His laugh was adorable. Asia said to herself smiling. Laying down in bed she laughed.

"No worries. I had fun. I'm just sorry that you had to run from those girls." She said.

"I'm used to it trust me. I was calling actually to ask you something." He said nervous.

"What?" She asked intrigued.

"I was going to ask if you weren't busy tomorrow would you like to go somewhere with me?" he asked.

He was so cute. All nervous. She thought to herself. PAY ATTENTION! Her brain yelled.

"I'd love to. I just need to run into the office and then sure." she said smiling.

"Great. I'll pick you up at 12. Be prepared to get soaked!" he said.

"A warning?" she asked smiling.

"You could say that." He answered.

"I'm warned. I'll see you tomorrow. Night." She said.

"Sweet dreams" He said.

"Bye." She said hanging her phone up.

Did she just make a date with Harry Styles? She asked herself smiling as she covered her face with her cover and sunk into the bed.

If they don't believe me; I guess I'm going to have to prove to them wrong.

Asia woke up to something she was not used to; silence.

Living in Philadelphia her entire life, her mornings usually consisted of yelling from the cars and people on the street outside her window. This was a very refreshing change.

Deciding to bask in the glory of silence she got a quick shower and ate a very large breakfast before deciding what to wear. She was after all, having a date with Harry Styles!

What if he didn't think it was a date? What if he was just being nice? What if she made a fool of herself? She had to ask someone. But who? None of her friends would answer without wanting to know who she had a date with. She didn't want to listen to that.

She decided on a pair of black skinny jeans and a baby doll top. Brushing her hair out and pulling her sides back with a ribbon she looked in the mirror and congratulated herself on making a smart wardrobe decision without any help.

Now all she had to do was go to work and wait for Harry.

"Asia!" A very British accent said walking down the hallway.

"Abby!" Asia replied.

"Amazing feedback from the wedding from yesterday. They asked to have you back for a party they're planning for next week. Are you available?"

Asia smiled.

"Of course. I just need to get ready. I'd love to."

Abby smiled and handed Asia a envelope.

"Here's your first pay check. I'll see you back here Monday morning." She said smiling.

Asia watched her new boss walk down the hallway.

This trip is turning out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. Hearing her name being yelled, Asia turned to see Harry on a motorcycle.

Now it's the best thing that ever happened to me.

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