Questions and Answers

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He pushed her up against the car door and with his arms around her waist pressed himself against her.

He had been waiting to be with her like this for weeks. He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye before Lily called and said she left.

She didn't want to feel anything when he kissed her. She wanted to be able to push him away and say it's over but this kiss meant something.

She still had feelings for him. She couldn't fight it anymore.

Or she could just push him away and tell him to go home so she could continue her romantic evening with a international singing sensation.

"Stop!" she said after finally having the strength to push him away.

She turned away from him and fixed her shirt that was close to being torn off of her.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself. Apparently you couldn't either." Jason replied smiling.

"This isn't good, Jason. We can't just kiss and make up and hope that all the problems go away. It doesn't work like that." She said trying to figure things out in her head.

Jason sighed and stepped closer to her and wrapping his arms around her waist. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"Look, I have two tickets to Philadelphia. Come home with me, Asia."

She pushed him away and walked further away from him.

"I can't believe you. You know how much this internship meant to me and you want him to give it all up. For what?"

"For me. For us." He said stepping closer.

"I can't. I'm giving this up." Asia said.

"The internship or Harry?" He asked.

She couldn't believe him. Who did he think he was?

"The internship. Me and Harry we're....." She started.

How could she finish that sentence when she didn't even know the answer.

"We're what? From what I walked in on, you guys were something. Look, I'm not going to argue with you, Asia. Just consider my offer. I'll be at the airport at 4:00 tommorow. I hope you'll be there too."

And with that he opened the car door and drove away.

"Louis! Phone!" Liam yelled into his room.

"I'm busy!" Louis replied as he typed another instant message to Erin.

"It's Asia. She sounds upset." Liam yelled.

"FINE! I got it." he yelled back.

"Hello." He said.

"Why did Harry come with me?" Asia asked.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked confused.

"Why did he want to come with me?" She asked again.

He didn't know if he should tell her the truth.

That was against the "Bro Code".

Asia was his friend and she sounded hurt. Maybe just this once he could tell.

"He was going to ask you to be his girl." Louis said.

"Asia? Ya there? Asia?"

She hung up.

"Harry!" Asia said as she ran into the cottage.

The rain had started and it was really coming down. She was soaked.

"What?" Harry asked carrying his bags behind him.

He stopped when he saw her standing there.

"Why did you come here with me, Harry?" She asked.

He didn't know what to say.

He was frozen.

"I came to be with you." He answered.

"Is that all?" She asked.

"Was there supposed to be more?" He asked.

She couldn't breath. She was upset and trying to catch her breath.

"Yes." She said breathing heavy.

"You know?" He asked.

She nodded tears rolling down her face.

He walked closer to her and not knowing what to do took his jacket off and wrapped it around her and he hugged her and she broke down and cried.

"Are you going to ask me?" She asked.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Ask me that question." She said.

He looked down at her and smiled.

"Will you be my girl?" He asked as his dimples showed.

She smiled back and she knew exactly what she would say.


He laughed and leaned down and kissed her.

He wrapped his arms around her and carried her to the couch and smiled as he kissed her again.

Asia didn't give a second thought to that plane ticket in her pocket.

When Harry Met AsiaWhere stories live. Discover now