The Other Side Of The Door

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"I can't believe him. He just stood there. He just stood there and let me walk away! Does he seriously not see how wrong that it?" Asia said unloading on Louis the second they entered the flat.

Not that she hadn't already unloaded almost the entire walk home, because she did.

The entire walk home consisted of Asia explaining to Louis why Harry was an idiot.

Why he was stupid.

Why he made a HUGE mistake.

Louis, of course, listened and let her get all of her frustration out.

He knew she needed to and he was happy to lend an ear.

Eleanor followed close behind preparing to tell Louis something as soon as they were alone.

She listened to how calm and rational Louis was with Asia and smiled.

That was why she fell for him.

She knew he was the kind of guy that would listen to her for hours and not complain.

So why did she feel her feelings fading recently?

Watching Louis with Asia and seeing how kind and thoughtful he was made Eleanor second guess her plans for the evening.

"Look, Asia, he's just struggling with these feelings. He still loves Sarah but she hurt him and the idea of him maybe being happy with someone else scares him."

Asia choked out a laugh.

"Please! He's obviously not struggling with anything. I think he made his choice back there. He wants her. That's the only plausible explanation for how he just acted." Asia said sitting on the couch with her head in her hands.

"He doesn't know what he wants!" Louis said trying to get Asia to believe him.

He saw by the look in her eyes that she wanted to believe him.

"Well, that's his problem isn't it?! I can't do this. I'm tired of being the 'fall-back' girl. I can't go through all this again."

Asia looked into the kitchen at Eleanor.

"Look, go be with her. I'll be fine." She said.

Louis looked at Asia and then at Eleanor.

He wanted to make sure Asia was okay but he could tell Eleanor was having some problems as well.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes. I'll go call my friends and you talk to her." Asia said smiling.

She walked into her room leaving Louis and Eleanor alone.

"Destiny? It's Asia. You busy?" Asia asked laying on her stomach on the bed.

"I'm not busy. I have an hour to kill before church. How are you? You sound funny. What's wrong?" She asked.

Asia held back the tears that she didn't want to shed.

"I needed to talk to someone. Is Amber with you?" She asked.

Asia heard a shift in the background and assumed Destiny was looking for something.

"Actually she's on her way." Destiny replied.

"What's wrong, Asia?" She asked knowing that something was wrong.

Asia sighed and before she knew it was spewing her guts.

Everything from the almost kiss to the singing to the swimming lesson.


Destiny was almost speechless on the other end of the phone.

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