When Harry Met Asia

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This story is dedicated to my bestest friend ever iOverDramatic who not only was the inspiration behind this story but also a helping hand in the creative process.



You know how they say a watched pot never boils? Well, a watched email isn't necessarily recieved faster. I've been staring at my inbox for an hour. Nothing. They said May 31st. They told me that on May 31st I would get conformation of my acceptance. Why is it taking so long? What if I didn't get it. What if all my hard work went to waste. I need some time to relax. Music. That'll help. Where's that IPod? Putting my IPod on artists the only common sense choice is One Direction to lift my spirits. 'Stole My Heart' echos through the ear phones and I'm in heaven. Sing to me Harry.


Under the lights tonight

You turned around, and you stole my heart

With just one look, when I saw your face

I fell in love

It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight (eh eh eh eh)

With just one look, yeah (eh eh eh eh)

I waited for a girl like you

Harry took a deep breath as he waited for Liam to come in with the second verse of 'Stole My Heart'.

"You okay, Harry?" a concerned Zayn asked.

Shaking out of his daze Harry smiled.

"I'm fine. Come on. Let's finish this. We have to sing for that wedding next week." Harry said taking control.

"Sounds like a plan." Liam agreed as he started his solo.

All the guys knew what was wrong. Ever since his break-up from Sarah-Louise Harry has been distant and sad. They thought that by taking this job at a wedding singing for some American couple they could make him feel better. All they knew was they needed to do something. Harry was useless when he was depressed.


Asia Brennan was a normally patient person. Granted she sometimes hated waiting for food but waiting for an email was a piece of cake. Why was this so hard? This email would determine the next 3 months for Asia. Photography was a passion of Asia's. When a photography agency was looking for applicants for a summer program in Europe, Asia jumped at the chance. She entered a scholarship program and was waiting for the confirmation that she could go to London in 3 weeks for the summer.

"You got mail!" Her laptop echoced.

Smiling she opened her inbox and saw the conformation she had been waiting for.

"Asia Brennan, we are very pleased to invite you to our summer photography program. From June 17th to August 17th you will be taking out very challenging course as well as getting real experience in wedding, graduation, and other settings. We congratulate you and can't wait to see you." Asia read the message aloud and smiled.

Picking up her cell she was all smiles has she dialed her friends numbers.

"I got it!" She yelled into the receiver as soon as she heard the click of another person.

This was going to be a summer to remember.

When Harry Met AsiaWhere stories live. Discover now