The Kittens

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Scar was tired of lying. All he wanted was to go home and cuddle with his cat. But right now, that was impossible. Right now, he had to smile and laugh. Right now, he had to pretend to be someone he wasn't. The prince would never know one of his best friends was a traitor.

He chewed a sweet danish quietly, listening to the prince and his other friend speak about redstone. The prince was nodding, very obviously only pretending to understand the complexities of such magic. Scar forced himself to hold back an eye roll. This was the problem. The prince was obsessed with all things pretty, unable to comprehend the smallest bits of magic. Why couldn't anyone else see?



"I called your name three times."

"Oh. Sorry." Scar smiled in his own goofy way, not feeling a single feeling he was portraying.

"Wanna go to the tidepool today?"

"It's your birthday, you decide."

"Humph." The prince crossed his arms. "But I don't know what I want to do."

"Maybe we could go to the pet shop?" Mumbo suggested.

"That's a great idea!" Scar exclaimed. "Don't you want a little critter to keep you company?"

The prince considered it. "Jellie could use some friends I suppose."

Scar gave a genuine smile at the mention of his beloved kitten.

"Grian, sire." Scar turned his head to the knight standing behind the table. "I hope you don't plan on sneaking out again?"

"Wels! Of course not." Grian claimed as he stood up. Mumbo and Scar stood right after, standing slightly behind the price, as was custom for the trio in public. "With us then, sir knight?"

"Lead the way, sire."

After a quick bow to the queen, the group left the hall. They made their way down the castle's halls, with every passing person giving the prince a quick bow of their head before moving past. Scar wasn't sure the prince even noticed, ever since the mention of a new pet, he was chattering up the many possibilities of what pet he would come home with. Only problem? Any new pet Grian got would not have their master for very long.

The warm cobbled streets were bustling with people, but the swaths of bodies moved out of the way of the prince and his entourage. Grian's aura was one that even Scar could not deny. A blood red cape trimmed with gold flared behind the prince, completing the look. Scar had to give him this. Grian looked his part.

They arrived at the pet shop quickly, walking in with no farefare or theatrics. The woman at the front desk welcoming them with a genuine smile,

"Hi! Welcome to... my shop." She paused when she saw who had entered. "My prince! Are you interested in a new critter?"

The prince nodded. "I'm thinking a cat to give Jellie a friend."


"My familiar." Scar piped in.

"Ah. Of course! This way." She led the group, minus the guard who stood outside the shop, through a door to the left. The building was warm and homey, filled with dark woods and flickering candlelight. Small squeaks and barks and squacks followed the group as they walked through the crowded hall. The woman opened another door, bringing the group into a cozy room. It was brighter and warmer than the rest, but all of the lanterns hung at the top of the room, instead of being spread around.

"Cats are particularly difficult to keep away from the fire."

Scar chuckled. He knew this all too well. He scanned the room. Small pens with fluffy blankets held cats of all breeds and sizes. Some pens in the back had more than one. These were mother cats, tending to their kittens. One group seemed to catch the prince's eye. A group of three cats, one momma and two kittens, near the back. The momma had a light brown and spotted coat, as well as one of the kittens. A much smaller kitten with silver fur and darker grey spots lay just beside the other.

"Is that kitten hers?" Scar asked.

"No," The woman sighed, "Her mother was a silver mau, looked almost exactly like her. She was pregnant when I went upstairs to bed. When I came back down... she and her kittens were dead. All but her. Still snuggled up close to her mother and trying to feed."

Grian and Mumbo gasped softly. Scar held in a breath.

"I call her Pearl. A thing of beauty among the deep and dark."

"And who's the other one?"

"That's Maui, the biological son of Momma and her only surviving kitten. Pearl and Maui are a bonded pair, just old enough to leave Momma."

"I'll take them." Grian decided.

"I'm sorry, Prince Grian, but you have to meet them first. I need to make sure you're the right fit for them."

Grian nodded. "What do I need to do?"

The woman took his hand and led him over to the cats. They hissed at him, but calmed down with some loving sounds from the woman. Grian introduced himself to the cats, letting the loving kittens crawl over him. Momma seemed to give him a grateful look, happily relaxing away from her kittens.

The women walked back over to Mumbo and Scar.

"We're lucky to have such a personable prince. And you two are lucky to know him."

Mumbo nodded happily. "He's a challenge, but a rewarding one."

The woman laughed.

"Do you always do this?" Scar asked, motioning to Grian and the cats.

"Mhm. Not every creature here is non magical and some of them don't like being chosen."

"I thought no cat could be chosen. They choose you." Mumbo commented while Scar nodded.

"And the same is true for every creature here."


Scar watched the two kittens crawl up the prince's pants, who giggled and scooped the cats up in his arms.

"I think I've seen what I need. They belong to you, my liege. Or rather, you belong to them." The woman called out.

Grian smiled even wider, if that was even possible. "What else do I need?" 

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