The Aftermath

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It had been a week since the Queen was killed. Since the Prince disappeared. Since Impulse was put in charge.

He was a good choice, and Etho was happy to serve under the Royal Advisor, but something felt off. Not about Impulse, about himself. The new leader choose Etho to be his second, a decision that shocked the entire castle. Etho was a soldier, a high ranking one, but still just a soldier. What did Impulse want him for?

Now, he walked down the silent halls. It is always quiet nowadays, as if the entire castle simultaneously agreed to a speechless vigil for the Queen. If anyone did speak, it was no louder than a whisper.

He arrived at his destination all too quickly. Impulse had asked him to meet him in his room, and Etho didn't know why. When he wanted to speak to the soldier, Impulse asked him to the meeting room, never to someplace private. Maybe it was just news about the Prince, and he didn't want any rumors to spread. Yes, that had to be it.

Etho rapped his fist on the thick wooden door twice before dropping his hand.

"It's unlocked." Impulse called from the inside, his voice muffled from the door. Etho twisted the golden handle and pushed open the door. It was a large room, fitting for such a high position, and organized with precision. His bed was perfectly made, rivaling Etho's militaristic bed-making habits, and his shoes lined the wall in what seemed to be a very specific order. The only thing not organized was his desk, books and papers stacked up, pens and inkwells shoved to the corner.

What surprised Etho the most, was another person in the room: a nervous looking Mumbo. After a second of deliberation with himself, Etho realized it made sense. Mumbo was Grian's best friend after all, and him being here further supported his Grian news theory.

"Thank you for coming so quickly, Etho."

Etho gave a quick nod, and shut the door behind him.

"Would you like to know why I chose you instead of everyone else in the castle?" Impulse asked.

Etho turned back to the advisor quickly. He did want to know, but why was Impulse telling this now? He nodded again, this one slower and more uncertain.

"You can keep a secret."

Oh, Etho thought, where is this going?

"You also can be discreet. I need that side of you right now."

For the first time, Etho spoke. "You want past me."

"If that's how you want to see it, yes."

If possible, Mumbo seemed to get more nervous. Impulse turned to the redstone artisan. "Tell Etho what you told me."

Mumbo opened his mouth, then closed it.

"Go on, Mumbo, it's okay." Impulse prodded.

"I... I think I saw Doc in the electrical rooms last night. He wasn't scheduled for any maintenance or anything. And then all the lights went out soon after."

"Thank you Mumbo," Impulse said softly, "You can go now."

Mambo fumbled over his feet as he scurried out of the room, nearly falling over trying to get out of the room as quickly as possible. In his hurry, he didn't even close the door all the way. Etho grabbed the handle and pushed it shut.

"Lock it." Impulse commanded.


"Lock. It." The advisor growled. Etho was quick to turn the silver deadbolt after that.

Before he turned around, Etho felt Impulse's presence near him. Neither man was short, far from it, but Impulse held the presence of someone with authority. No matter where he stood, Etho felt as if he was looking up to him. Now it was no different.

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