The Architect

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Iskall laid on the floor in a fetal position and shook. They tried to keep themselves from the constant vibrations, but it seemed all they could do. They were so scared. Jevin didn't finish the job. Grian was still alive. And he knew Iskall was a traitor. If he told Ren, then they were dead. They were so dead.

They couldn't run, Iskall didn't know the forest well enough, not even considering the fact they didn't know how to survive in the wilderness. Maybe he should run anyway. Nature might be more merciful than a Watcher. Iskall could remember his mother telling them about Watchers. Powerful beings not to be messed with. She, unlike many, truly believed in them, and thus, so did Iskall.


He froze. It was Ren. How did he find them?

"I know you're in there, Iskall. Get out here."

They let out a small whimper and heard some quiet whispering on the other side of the door. Who else was there? Or anyone at all?


The sharp sound of shattering wood filled their ears. Iskall covered their head with their hands and screamed. Ren grabbed Iskall and shoved them up against the back wall, shaking the entire shed.

"Why don't you tell me, Iskall, why Grian said you led him straight to a murderer to die."

Iskall couldn't stop shaking. "He threatened Stress." He gasped for air. "I'm so sorry."

"The mercenary?"

Iskall shook their head. Oh, how they were going to regret that.

Ren pressed them harder against the wall. "Who?" He growled.


Ren's hands fell from where they held Iskall, who stumbled forward at the sudden lack of support. "Come with me."

Iskall followed close, very aware of the stares they were getting from the people who once called them a friend. They never would again. Ren led him to the end of a row of houses. Iskall took a deep breath when he realized where he was. The resident butcher's house, Beef. It was an odd name for a butcher, but Iskall didn't have time to think about that.

Ren knocked on the door, three sharp taps. He didn't know what he was doing. Iskall's mind screamed for him to stop, but their body did nothing. They deserved this.

"Stay here until I figure out what to do with you."

A tall, muscular man opened the door. "Hey Ren." He greeted, not taking his eyes off of Iskall.

"Thank you for doing this, my dude."

"No problem."

Ren gave one last angry look at Iskall before walking off.

"Get in here." Beef instructed.

But apparently, Iskall didn't move fast enough, because he grabbed their arm and tossed them inside. The door shut behind them with a solid thump.

"I haven't seen Ren that angry in a long time." Beef mused.

Iskall stayed silent. There was nothing for them to say anymore.

"Want to tell me why you did it?"

Iskall shook their head. "No..." they whispered.

The next thing Iskall felt was a solid fist hitting their stomach. They fell to the floor and clutched where Beef had hit.

"What's rule number one, Iskall?"


"Rule. Number. One."

"I'm sorry, please..."

"You won't like it if I have to tell you, Iskall."

"Rule number one," Iskall managed to whimper, "don't mention Impulse."

Beef kicked, causing Iskall to sprawl out on the floor. "Rule number two."

"Rule number two: be loyal, no matter what."

He kicked again. "Rule number three."

"See rule numbers one and two."

"Good. We'll knock some sense into you yet."

Iskall braced themselves for another hit, but nothing came. They tilted their head up to Beef.

"To answer that question no doubt spinning in your mind," Beef said as he turned, "Impulse instructed me to leave you alive if you ever betrayed him. Or, more specifically, he wanted to deal with you himself."

Beef left him there on the ground, watching from the table across the room.

"I pray you'll be luckier than me, young Architect." Beef whispered. He didn't even realize Iskall heard him.

672 Words

^ this one hurts and i wrote it 

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