The Watchers

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Quite Some Time Earlier

Xelqua bit the inside of his cheek and looked over at his teacher. Hels stood still on the wall, watching the land below with a careful eye. He had always been more patient than Xelqua, a trait that the Watcher admired greatly. And honestly, one he was very grateful for. Without his patience, Xelqua had no idea how many times he would have angered his teacher.


"Sorry." Xelqua turned his focus back to the land below. The moon cast beams of light across the grass. It was pretty.

Woah. What was that? A figure on the ground ran out of the trees in the distance.

"Go get 'em, Xel."

The Watcher smiled. This was the part he was good at. He leapt from the wall and hurtled towards the ground, opening his wings just before he hit the ground giving him another burst of speed. The figure noticed him and threw a measly ball of magic at him. He dodged easily and tackled the figure. A shout of happiness escaped his mouth, and he quickly covered his lips with one of his hands.

"It's okay Xel, you can celebrate." The Watcher turned to see Hels floating down beside him, a genuine smile on his face. "I'm proud of you."


"By the power vested in me by Notch and the Counsel of Watchers, I christen you Xelqua, a True Watcher."

Xelqua stood still as Hels pinned a small medal to his ceremonial robes. He was taller than his teacher, no, partner, but it still seemed as if he looked up to the elder Watcher. It had been nearly a year since Hels took him on that first mission, and he had learned so much. He couldn't wait to keep learning beside his best friend.

Cheers erupted from behind him, and Xelqua turned, slowly bringing up his wings as he had been instructed. He held his head high, he earned this.

"For the protection of all." He called out. And in unison, everyone responded.

"For the protection of all."


Xelqua hit the creature in front of him. It had the audacity to call itself human, but Xelqua knew better. He heard Hels grunt beside him, and he scowled. By now the pair worked together like a pair of well oiled cogs, and Xelqua knew exactly how much that hurt. The creature screamed out as Xelqua hit it again, giving Hels time enough to tackle it to the ground. He let out a burst of magic, bringing the creature's defenses to a crumble.

It lay on the floor in defeat and while Xelqua smiled at Hels. They had done it. They had captured the most elusive creature the Watcher's were looking for. But Hels wasn't smiling.

"You okay?"

"Not really." He pressed two fingers against each of his eyes. "It's nothing, I'm sorry."

"It's not nothing. It's okay, Hels, you can tell me anything."

"It's just, she's a kid."

Xelqua looked down at the creature. "Maybe, but it's still a murderer."

"You're right." Hels let out a huff. "You're right. Let's get her back home." He gave Xelqua a strained smile.


"By the power vested in me by Notch and the Counsel of Watchers, I banish you from this realm."

Xelqua stood in fear as he watched his mentor and best friend get stripped of his powers. Of his wings. He couldn't imagine.

But the thing that scared him the most? Hels didn't look mad or upset, he looked calm. Dangerously calm. Xelqua knew this expression well, being the recipient of it many times. This expression meant he had a plan.

Why did he have to defy the Counsel? He was usually so good at keeping his cool. But something changed after they brought in that monster. He would disappear for days at a time, leaving Xelqua to take care of their assignments. Xelqua could handle it, but something about the way Hels was acting made him wonder. And when the Counsel came to their home in the middle of the night, Xelqua could not say he was surprised. He was surprised, however, when he learned that Hels freed that monster.

Hels looked over to Xelqua and his eyes were glazed with pity. Xelqua scowled.

'I'm sorry.' Hels mouthed. Xelqua turned his head away. Hels brought this upon himself


The sky blazed with light, an overwhelming aurora of pure magic and power. Today was the day Watchers everywhere would be given their wards. Not everyone would be given this responsibility, but Xelqua knew he would be chosen. There was nothing to tell him this, no one was supposed to know until they were showered with magic, but still, he knew.

He laughed with excitement when an orb showered over him, and knowledge of the one he would protect trickled into his mind.

He was young, very young. Barely born and he already had a guardian. His magic was strong, and would only grow as he did. Xelqua smiled at the thought of the young prince.

Don't worry, little Grian, I'm watching over you.


"We are keeping a mortal at the castle where Grian lives. Protect her, Xelqua."



"Hey Xel."

"What are you doing here?"

"I was wrong. She's gonna kill so many people."

"I was told to protect her. I plan to do so. Unlike you, I have something called a conscience."

"You're making a mistake, Xel."

"I could say the same to you, but you've already ruined your life."


Hels tried to kill her. Xelqua tried to stop him. Instead, she escaped.

Xelqua groaned as a healer patched up his wing where Hels had stabbed. It hurt, but not nearly as much as the stabbing in his heart. Hels had willingly hurt him. And Xelqua was angry.


"The Arcane Soldier has been captured. We took her memories to keep her in line. We want you to hold the key."

"Why me?" Xelqua asked. As of late, it seemed that all he was good at was screwing things up.

"You're the best we got."

Xelqua nodded and the Watcher gently grabbed his hand. Memories flooded his mind, and he channeled them away into a small corner. They weren't going anywhere.

"Thank you, Xelqua."

"For the protection of all."

"For the protection of all."

1045 Words 

^ hels my beloved 

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