The Realization

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"What do you mean, 'Grian isn't the one we're looking for?'"

Impulse pressed two fingers between his eyes. "Exactly what it sounds like. Grian's not an Arcane Soldier."

Mumbo slammed his fist in front on Impulse's desk. He hummed in annoyance. "I'm sorry Impulse. It's just-"

"I know, I know. I'm mad too. But getting worked up doesn't help us figure out what we're gonna do."

"You're right. What are we gonna do?"

"For now, nothing. We got so tunnel visioned that Grian was the one that we didn't even search for any other possibilities. All we can do is wait for them to show themselves."

A bang came from the office door as it was thrown open. Impulse was prepared to yell at the invader, but Joe's face stopped him cold.

"We have a problem." He choked out between breaths.

"Tell me."

"A group of Ren's people are breaking in."

"You know why?"

"No. The only reason we know is because of the Architect. He got here, don't ask me how, and warned us about Ren and promptly passed out."

"Where is he now?"

"Second cell."

"Mumbo. You're in charge."

"Yes sir."

Impulse ran out of the room, his feet pounding on the floor. This was not supposed to happen.

The Architect lay on the floor, having been tossed unceremoniously in the cell. They were moving, crying maybe, but trying and failing to stay still.

"Iskall." They jumped at the sound of his voice. "Tell me what happened."


Even with how scared they sounded, Iskall managed to sound resolute.

"Don't make me do something we'll both regret."

Iskall turned over and gave a strained laugh. Impulse was able to see bruises adorning their face. "You're not the first person to threaten me with that lately."


"Who else?" Iskall coughed, small drops of blood dripping to the ground.

"What did he do to you?"

"Nothing I don't deserve."

"You told Ren I sent the assassin."

Iskall simply smiled.

"Why?" Impulse asked, his fists clenching as he began to lose control of his emotions.

"Because, Impulse, you're just a bully. At least Ren has morals."

"What about Stress?"

A glint of sorrow crossed Iskall's eyes. "She's gone."

"What do you mean, 'gone'?" She dead?"

"No. Just... gone."

"I don't have time for this Iskall." Impulse growled.

"Fine. She turned on us, attacked everyone with this weird magic, and ran. She even attacked me." Iskall turned their hand over where a long, black cut stretched across their palm. "Don't look like much but it hurts like h*ll."

"Wait... let me see that."

"I already did, now leave me alone."

"I'm not asking, Iskall."

The Architect scowled and pushed themselves up with their non-cut hand. "Fine." They said as they shoved their cut hand through the bars of the cell door.

Impulse took one look and his heart dropped. "Stay right here." He shouted as he ran down the corridor.

"Like I'm going anywhere." Iskall yelled after him.

Oh yeah, that was a little bit mean. But Impulse didn't have time to think about that. He had to find...

"Joe? Joe!"

The researcher looked over at Impulse.

"What's wrong?" He asked slowly.

"I need you to look at something for me."

Joe shrugged. "Sure, whatever you need." And was promptly yanked back down the corridor by Impulse.

"Sorry, Joe, but we got to hurry."

They swiftly arrived back at the cells.

"Tell me what made that cut." Impulse demanded, pointing at Iskall. Joe looked confused. "Iskall!"

They rolled their eyes and held out their hand to Joe.



"This is Arcane."

Impulse's heart dropped. What were the chances? "And you said Stress did this?"


"Come on, Joe, we have lots to do."

"Wait." Iskall said slowly.

"Go on, Joe, I'll be right there."

"Yes sir."

"What do you want?" Impulse asked, enunciating each word carefully.

"You're not gonna win, y'know."

"And how could you possibly know that?"

"'Cause we've already beat you."

"Yeah, right."

Iskall cocked an eyebrow. "Your fatal flaw, Impulse, has never been your temper or your distrust. You underestimate people."

"Like who?" Impulse spat.

"Like Ren, like Grian, like... me."

"Ren is a coward. Grian is a pathetic little weakling. And you? You are everything I'd hate to be."

Iskall smirked. "Oh yeah?"


Iskall walked up to the cell bars, leaned against them, and whispered. "Turn around."

Impulse whipped around where Ren stood.

"A coward you said?"

"No! I-"

"Stop lying Impulse. It doesn't suit you. Iskall?"

"Yes, boss?"

"Good job, my dude."

"Thank you."



"The key. Now."

Impulse's hand scrambled for the bundle of keys in his pocket. He pulled them out, and started counting from the biggest ring.

"This one." He said, holding out a small gold key. Ren snatched them from his grasp and unlocked Iskall's cell.

"Thank you." Iskall said again. This time much quieter. Ren gave him a warm nod before turning his attention back to Impulse. The former royal adviser cried out as his arm was grabbed harshly by Ren's rough hand. He cried out again when he found himself crashing to the floor having been tossed inside the now vacant cell like it was nothing. Ren closed the cell door and locked it with a heart stopping click.

The pair began walking away.

"Wait! You can't just leave me in here."

Iskall glanced back. "Yes, we can. What did I say about underestimating people?"

Impulse was left alone. He clenched his teeth and hands. Pain shot throughout his arm when he sent it at the wall. Now, blood dripped from his hand onto the floor, making a small puddle out of scarlet drops.

936 Words

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