The Meeting

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Impulse was angry. Not only did Doc escape, but Etho helped him do it. Now the pair were missing, Wels was recovering from almost dying, and he had zero leads. No one to blame. No one to punish. He heard a knock on the door, and groaned. He didn't have the energy to deal with anyone right now. The person knocked again.

"Sir? This is important."

"It better be good news." Impulse shot back, knowing full well that it wouldn't be.

"It is, Sir."


"Come in."

It was head of Reconnaissance, Joe Hills, the best researcher Impulse had.

"Hey. Whatcha got?" Impulse asked.

"I got a report from Architect."

Now Joe had his attention. "We haven't heard from him in forever."

Joe chuckled. "I know. But now, he found something you might be interested in."

"Let me hear it."

"The prince is in Ren's camp."

Impulse narrowed his eyes in interest. This was a truly fascinating development. "He safe?"

"According to the Architect, yes."


"How should I instruct him?"

"Tell him to... hold for further instructions."

"Are you sure?"


"I'll contact him immediately."



"Make sure he knows to stay quiet."

"Of course, sir."

Joe left the room.

Impulse began to laugh. This was all too easy. It was never supposed to end up like this, but it did. And here it was. A choice that could decide the outcome of the rest of his life. But was it really a choice? He could keep being in control, make the kingdom safe and happy. Or, he could bring the prince back and lose everything to a child. A child who didn't know how to rule. A child who would bring ruin to his amazing country.

The choice was obvious.

And one he made the second Joe told him they found the prince.

But how? If the prince was with Ren, then getting to him would be difficult. Ren was fiercely protective of the people in his camp, including Grian. But someone there must recognise the prince. But obviously not as the Architect didn't mention it.

But, there was one thing he could do.

He stood up from his desk and walked around the castle until he found a guard. It didn't take long, guards were everywhere nowadays.

"Hey! You! Go find Mumbo and bring him here."

The guard gave a stern nod and rushed away. After a couple of minutes, the guard and a confused looking Mumbo appeared from around the corner.

"Come with me Mumbo." He turned to the guard. "Thank you..."

"Sir Hypno."

"Sir Hypno."

The guard gave a warm smile and walked off, his boots clicking on the hardwood floor.

"This way Mumbo."

The redstoner followed Impulse into his office, sighing angrily once the door behind him was shut.

"Calm down, Oli."

"Don't call me that."

"Why? It's your name, is it not?"

"Not anymore." He sighed.

Impulse looked back and Mumbo's entire demeanor had changed. He was no longer hunched over and hugging himself, but standing up straight with his arms crossed. He looked mad. Or annoyed. Or just tired.

"You okay?"

His eyes narrowed and Impulse knew he messed up.

"No. I'm not okay. You can't possibly understand what it's like pretending to be someone I'm not all the time. To be this blithering idiot all the time who's scared of everything. A pushover who can't stand up for himself." Mumbo was taking slow steps forward and Impulse was remembering just how intimidating the redstoner could be. "I've never been okay, Impulse. I've been lying to my best friends for years! I don't even know who I am anymore."

Impulse closed the gap between the pair, and enveloped Mumbo into a hug. He jerked back reflexively before relaxing and hugging back.

"You don't have to do this, Oli."

"I know, Impy. I want to. For you."

Impulse squeezed one more time and pulled away. "It's been such a long time since you've called me that."

"Well," Mumbo backed up, rubbing his neck, "it felt right okay?"

Impulse laughed, and Mumbo joined in. The former was more relaxed than he had been in quite some time. He hoped Mumbo felt the same way.

"So, why'd you call me here."

"We found the prince."

Mumbo's face twisted back into anger. "What are you gonna do?"

Impulse sighed. "I'm not sure. That's why I asked for you."

"You want my advice?"


"Why? You already know how I feel about the monarchy."

"But unlike me, you don't let these kinds of decisions be affected by how you feel."

Mumbo grimaced.

"So, what do we do?" Impulse prodded after a couple of moments of silence.

"You know we have to kill him."

Impulse always knew that Mumbo was blunt, but this was different. This was... scary. "Mumbo. Is there really no other option? That's kinda why I brought you here."

"No," Mumbo turned and stared directly into Impulse's eyes, "you brought me here because you knew I would confirm your suspicions. Grian is too dangerous to be kept alive. Especially if he remembers what he is."

Mumbo was right, but even so. "Stop acting like he's all powerful. He's just a mage."

"Just a mage. You're calling an Arcane Soldier, one of the most powerful magic users in the world, just a mage? We both know he's so much more than that. There's a reason why Scar wanted him under his thumb."

"You're right."

"Of course I am."

"I'll send Eth-" He paused, "someone to deal with him tonight."

"Send Hypno to find Jevin, he's good with magic users."

"Never heard of him."

"That's because he doesn't work here. He's a mercenary, and will do anything if there's enough money on the line."

"You sure about this?"

Mumbo nodded. "Definitely. Is that all you needed?"

"Yeah, thanks."

The redstoner turned and opened the door behind him. "Anything for my little bro." And he was gone. 

968 Words

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