The Prince

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The hidden tunnels were unkempt, with cobwebs coating the ceilings and grime coating the floors. Scar led Grian through the twisting tunnels, not hesitating a single bit when they came upon a new hallway. He could hear the Prince huff and puff, not used to such activity, but didn't let up his pace. There was no time to waste.

Finally, Scar turned down a familiar hall, one that he visited quite often recently, and slowed his sprint to a walk. Behind him, he heard Grian slow as well. Scar's fingers grazed rough bricks as he drew his hand across the wall. He turned his arm, checking his watch, smiling when he saw the time. Just on schedule.

"Where are we?"

"The lesser crypt. Royal advisors and other higher ups are buried just through here."

The pair walked into a bigger room, with small, bricked-in, square tombs in the walls. It was a strange kind of beautiful, with graceful stone arches and gorgeous marble tiles. But no amount of elegance could detract from the tragic feeling one got when they entered the room.

"I had no idea this was here."

Scar looked back to see Grian run his finger along some of the names etched into the walls.

"There's a lot of things you don't know." Scar whispered under his breath.

"Did you say something?"

"Nothing, my Prince." But Grian was already distracted by more names.

Scar watched the Prince, checking his watch every couple of minutes. Until finally, it was time.


"Yes Scar?"

"Can you come this way? That pillar looks really unstable."

Grian shrugged and moved nearer to where Scar stood. In the next second, the pillar collapsed with a bang.

"Whoa. You were right!" Grian went closer to inspect the pillar, but someone jumped down in front of him from the makeshift hole in the ceiling. He wore a fluffy green hoodie and a dark red bandana. A dangerous glint rested in his eyes and an off putting smile rested on his lips.

"Where you goin, Princy?" The man chuckled.

Grian backed up until he bumped into Scar. He whipped around, but relaxed when he saw his friend. "Scar! Help?" But the magician's face was blank.

"I'm sorry, Grian, but this is for the best."

"What?" Grian gasped. He turned back around only to see two more people standing beside the guy in green. One had bright red eyes and wore all red clothes except for a black vest. The other was a woman with blond hair and goggles with dark leather straps sitting on her head. She wore a red and white striped shirt, a green jacket, and held a dangerous looking sword.

"Why, Scar?"

"All in due time Princy." The guy with the green hoodie spoke before Scar could say a thing. He and the other guy walked up to Grian, grabbing his arms and forcing him to the floor. The Prince squeezed his eyes shut, no doubt expecting that sharp sword to be run through him. But to his surprise, that didn't happen.

"We need to go, sir." Grian heard a female's voice.

Grian didn't hear a response, but he did hear a couple of crystalline clinks, like those of two glass challices bumping into each other. A little bit of rustling later, and some commotion from outside the crypt, and Scar finally spoke.

"Drink up." Some slurping later, and Grian saw Scar kneel down in front of him. "Drink this." He held out a tiny glass of gross looking green liquid. After a couple of seconds of the Prince simply staring at the glass, Scar grabbed Grian's face and forced the liquid into his mouth. He was right, it was very gross. He attempted to spit it out, but Scar grabbed Grian's nose and covered his mouth, forcing him to swallow. When the magician let go, Grian was coughing, trying to get the taste out of his mouth.

"Suck it up, crybaby." It was the woman again. Grian didn't know what was going to happen to him, but he knew to watch out for her no matter what.

"Ready everyone?" Scar asked. Grian could hear murmurs in response. A yellow crystal shattered on the ground, right next to Grian's ear. His stomach churned, and his insides twisted. What was this? Why was this happening? The agitation disappeared as quickly as it came, and Grian gasped for air. He opened one eye, saw a solid floor, and opened the other.

The prince yelped as he was yanked to his feet. When he finally stood on solid ground, he looked around the room. It was a large, light room with no windows. Light grey walls, dark grey floors. And people. Maybe ten or twelve people walked around the room, none without an aura of purpose. Before he was done looking, he was being dragged away by the people either side of him. They took him through a variety of hallways, no one standing in their way. Any people there simply gave the pair a nod of respect and moved out of their way.

It was not too long before they made it to a door that was bigger than any Grian had ever seen before. One of the guys let go of his arm and walked over to a panel beside the door. He pressed some buttons and the metal door began to unfold itself. The prince watched the door with fascination, there was nothing like this at the castle. They walked through, the door closing itself behind them. This room was small, with five cells positioned around it. Two on each side and one at the end. It was only now that the Prince realized what was happening.

"No! I have to go back! I have to protect my people."

"You know nothing about your people." It was the guy in red that responded, his red eyes staring into Grian's. He unlocked the metal door to the cell at the end of the hall, and Grian was tossed in. The door was closed and locked again before the Prince could scramble back up. He held the cold metal bars of the cell, no words on his tongue.

"Enjoy your stay Princy!" The green hoodie guy called out. The giant door was opened and closed within seconds.

Grian was left alone. 

1054 Words

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