The Reunion

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Grian wanted to cry, but his tears had run out days ago. So instead, he screamed, all of his fear, frustration, anger, and confusion escaping him in a screeching cry. After that stopped working, he began to kick the walls. Until it started hurting, that is, he wasn't used to the sensation. He didn't like it.

He didn't look up as the large metal door opened. He was used to the sound by now.

"How's it hangin' Princy?" It was the guy with the red bandana and fluffy green hoodie. Grian had come to learn his name was Bdubs.

Grian didn't respond. He never did.

"Fine." Even without looking, Grian knew Bdubs was sporting a fake pout. "I brought food."

Grian forced himself not to move. After having access to all he needed at the castle, the rations he was given were nothing more than pitiful. But still, it was about the principle. He refused to move until whoever it was that fed him was gone.

"I'm not leaving."

Finally, Grian looked over at his captor. "Why the h*ll not?"

"Watch it, Princy, others may not be as kind as me."

Grian's face twisted into a scowl. "Just leave me alone."

"No can do, Princy. The boss wants me to take you to him as soon as you're finished eating."

With this, Grian grabbed the bowl of "stew". It was closer to the consistency of mud, and the color of it too. It didn't taste much better. He shoved a spoonful in his mouth, and tried not to gag. He swallowed quickly, and took another bite.

"If it makes you feel any better," Bdubs whispered, "that's the stuff we eat too."

This gave Grian a pause. "What do you mean?" He asked after he swallowed the next spoonful.

"I mean, that's all we got. Eat."

Grian finished off the bowl, slurping the last of the stew down. Normally, he would set the bowl down and someone would come retrieve it later. Bdubs saw his hesitation and motioned for him to set the bowl on the floor. Evidently, that person would not be Bdubs. At least, not right now.

Bdubs unlocked the door of the cell with a key that hung around his neck. "Com'on."

Grian stepped out of the cell, feeling much less safe. It was all he had, and had become his sanctuary. A place where no one could touch him. But now, he didn't even have that. They walked through the dull halls, every person stopping to stare. Used to, he loved the attention. It made him feel powerful, being able to hush a room just by entering. Now, it just made him feel small.

He stuck close to Bdubs as they navigated the winding tunnels. Some seemed to be fresh, not even sanded down to smooth the walls. No, here, the rough edges of stones grasped at Grian's clothes in the tight corridors.

"Where are we?" Grian asked, his whisper echoing across the walls.

Bdubs, for once, said nothing. They stopped at a door on the right, Bdubs knocking loudly on the wood. The door slid open (what?) and the Red Eyed Demon stood on the other side with a determined expression. Of course, Red Eyed Demon was not his real name, but while Bdubs told Grian his name immediately, the Red Eyed Demon did not. So he got the name Grian gave him.

"Thank you Bdubs." Grian's heart dropped as he heard the familiar voice. The Red Eyed Demon stepped to the side, and Grian was able to see Scar sitting at a desk with Jellie perched on his shoulder.

Bdubs gave Scar a salute and walked away, back down the tunnel from where he led Grian.


So that's his name, Grian thought to himself. Without meaning to, he nearly chuckled as he decided his name for him was better.

The Red Eyed Demon looked at Scar. "Yes, boss?"

"Leave us, please."

Tango's determined face became one of disbelief. "Are you sure, Sir? I don't want to..." he glanced at Grian, "leave you defenseless."

Scar raised an eyebrow. "Are you calling me helpless?"

"No, of course not! I just..."

"I know Tango. I'll be okay."

Tango nodded and turned to leave the room. He gave Grian a stare that said, very clearly, "don't do anything stupid." And he was gone before Grian could register the door behind him was closed.

"Hey Grian." Scar's voice was soft, as if talking to a very unstable child.

"So you're the boss everyone keeps talking about." Grian growled.

"Everyone? No one but Tango and Bdubs were supposed to have contact with you."

"That's what I mean." Grian said, forgetting for a second who he was talking to.

"I'm sorry."

"What?" This one caught Grian off guard.

"I'm really sorry. For lying, for hurting you, for kidnapping you. For everything."

"You don't get to apologize right after you toss me in a cell and act like I don't exist!"

"Do you want the truth?"

"Of course I do."

"I've spent the past week thinking about you I think I was the only one here not thrilled with this plan." Scar sighed, and Jellie jumped down from his shoulder into his lap. He began to stroke the cat softly, and leaned back into his chair. "I don't know what to do anymore, Grian. Everything fell apart when..."

"When what?"


"It's obviously not nothing. Tell me!"

"Grian. I want you to reconsider your place here."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, just reminding you that, here, you are not the Prince."

Grian looked away from Scar, biting the inside of his cheek.

"What's wrong, Grian?"

"I just... don't know who I am when I'm not the prince."

"That's okay, Gri," Scar picked Jellie up and placed her on his desk. He moved closer to Grian, trying not to seem intimidating, "we'll help you figure that out."

"Why?" Grian turned his back to Scar.

"It may not seem like it, but we're really trying to help here."

"Why now? I mean, why not as soon as you brought me here?"

"Would you have listened?"

No, Grian thought to himself. He was too emotional, too angry. Not even logic would have persuaded him of anything. Apparently, his lack of response was enough of an answer for Scar.

"I needed to keep you here. In the compound."

"And what if I tried to hurt myself?"

Scar smiled, a strange look in his eye. "Someone wouldn't have let that happen."

"And who might that be?" Grain asked sarcastically.

"Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to tell you."

"Sure..." Grian chuckled. "I've missed you buddy."

Scar smiled. "I've missed you too, Gri." 

1106 Words

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