The Mercenary

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Hypno walked along the cobbled streets, his leather shoes making little sound on the stone. He hated it. Normally, his metal shoes would click loudly, drawing attention to himself. His iron armor and red half cape showed who he was. A guard at the royal castle. Someone to be respected. Someone to be feared. But now? Now all he wore were dull clothes and a dark cloak. Now, he was just another nobody.

Ducking through thin alleys, Hypno made his way towards the address Impulse gave him. Deep in the city, it would be difficult to find for anyone who didn't grow up here. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he couldn't decide, he could navigate these roads with his eyes shut.

It wasn't long before someone began following him. It only made sense, he was a new face around here, or so they thought. He began walking faster, really not wanting to make trouble. Unfortunately, trouble thrived here more than mosquitoes thrive in still water. He chucked at himself, that was such a niche comparison.

He was so distracted, it seemed, that he almost ran into someone standing in the street.

"Goin' somewhere, pretty boy?" He was built, and kinda scary looking. Hypno knew he could take him, but didn't want to draw more attention to himself.

"Just running an errand."

He stepped closer. "Well, errand boy, this is my part of town, and you don't seem to have paid to use this road."

"I'll make sure to do that." Hypno said as he tried to move away. Unfortunately, the man didn't let him.

"See, I can't let you pass until you've paid your due."

"And if I don't?"

"Ooh. Pretty boy's got some sass." He grinned. "I like my boys to have a mouth, makes it so much more enjoyable to beat it out of them."

Hypno heard more footsteps behind him.

"Maybe I'll even let some of my men have their way with you first."

Some chuckles behind him.

"Perhaps not." Hypno said back.

"This might actually be fun." The man said, and moved to grab Hypno's arm. All his hand grabbed was air. He growled. "Don't be difficult, kid."

"Why? What are you gonna do about it?"

The fight almost lasted longer than Hypno thought it would. Almost. One of the thugs was sentient, but Hypno was better. Way better.

"So, anyone know where Jevin is?" he paused. "No? Figures."

"I do." A voice called out.

Hypno looked up with surprise. "Who was that?"

"Me." A girl with red hair stepped out from the shadows. "Why are you looking for him?"

"I need his help. And I have the money to pay for it."

The girl nodded. "Come with me." She turned quickly and Hypno scrambled to follow.

"How do you know him?"

She didn't respond. Hypno didn't expect her to. After a couple minutes of walking, however, she surprised the both of them.

"He saved my life, so now I work for him."

Hypno didn't know how to respond. "But, he's a mercenary. Why would he save someone?"

"He has morals, y'know. Doesn't just let people die for no reason."


"Here you are." She stopped in front of a door with many scratches and dents. "Hey, make sure what you're doing is worth it. Once he gets a job, nothing will stop him from completing it. No take backs."

"Okay. Thanks... umm." Hypno paused. He was used to using names when thanking people. Not knowing one just made things awkward.


Hypno gave the girl a shocked look.

"If you ever need me, just ask for the Zombie."

"Will do. Thanks again, Cleo."

"No problem," she smiled slyly, "pretty boy."

Hypno laughed as the girl walked away. It was refreshing to see someone like her in a place like this. Perhaps it wasn't all bad. Then again, she did just lead him to a known murderer.

He knocked on the door, three sharp raps, and dropped his hand back down. A couple moments later, an annoyed looking mercenary opened the door.

"Hello Hypno."

"Hi Jevin."

"What are you doing back here?"

"I need your help."

"That's brave, especially coming from you."

"I know you don't like me-"

"Stop right there. I don't give a d*mn about you anymore. You are nothing more than just another client. If you have money, I'll do what you need. If you don't, get out of my face."

Hypno expected this reaction, but knowing it would come didn't make it hurt any less. "I can pay."

"In that case, come on in. Let's chat." He moved to the side to give Hypno room enough to enter the building.

Jevin led Hypno to a small office, motioning for him to sit down across from the desk. The mercenary took his time sitting down and getting comfortable in his chair.

"So, how can I help you?"

"I need you to kill the prince."

Jevin's mouth dropped slightly agape. "Hypno, and I thought you were about to waste my time." He smiled again. "This might actually be interesting."

"Come on, Jevin, take this seriously."

"You think I'm not? The fact that you're even here tells me how serious this is. How serious you are about this."

Hypno didn't say anything. Jevin was right.

"Hypno, our paths diverged a long time ago." He sighed. "I need you to understand that we've both changed drastically. I'm not the same person I was back then."

"I didn't come here for a lecture."

"I didn't let you in here to give you one. I'm just reminding you." He turned away to look at the wall. "This is gonna cost you, y'know. A lot."

I guess I'm really doing this, Hypno decided. "You know what a Totem of Undying is?"

Jevin whipped his head back around. "It's been a long time since I've seen one."

"I can get you two. One before, one after."

"That's plenty payment."

"I assumed it would be."

Hypno stood and motioned to leave, but Jevin stopped him.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Absolutely not, but I'm not the one calling the shots. The first half of your payment will arrive tomorrow. Goodbye Jevin."

"Bye Hypno."

Hypno walked back towards the castle, but decided to take a detour. The river was a pretty one, and this was a spot that very few knew. Cascading water drowned out the thoughts echoing throughout his mind, and cool grass comforted him as he lay. It was almost enough to make him forget what he just asked his former friend to do. Almost.

He wouldn't know it, but someone else was listening to the waterfall too. Less than fifteen feet away was the best mercenary the country had, also unaware of the person so near him. 

1111 Words 

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