The Memories

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Stress woke up feeling angry. After she left the castle, it was all she could feel anymore. She was mad at Impulse and Mumbo and Xelqua and even Grian by proximity. All of this just to distract herself from what she was really angry at. Herself. Why couldn't she just not care? Was it so difficult to just forget and move on? Apparently, the answer was yes.

All she could think about was how scared Iskall looked when she went after them. It hurt her to even think about them. Why couldn't she just leave the thought of them behind?

She pressed her palms against her eyes. Maybe a murder spree would make her feel better. After all, it used to be able to cheer her up from anything.


Didn't work.

Perhaps it was because she couldn't bring herself to hurt any human. It was pathetic, really, that the most powerful being in the universe was no longer capable of slaughtering an entire town. Instead, she resigned herself to cattle. Some farmers would wake up and be very angry tomorrow. Well, it was better than them not waking up at all. At least, Stress told herself this. Unfortunately, all she could think about was how people would wake up the next morning having lost their entire livelihoods.

Would it have been better just to kill them? She never thought about this stuff before. She never cared. Why could she just. Not. Care?

There was always another option. Stress didn't have to live her life like this anymore. It would mean giving up her pride, her power, everything that made her, her. But did that really matter? She didn't care anymore.

It was time to find Xelqua.

No one even tried to stop her as she strode into the castle. Not even the castle guards meant to protect the place. Everyone knew not to mess with her. But she didn't feel a single spark of glee at their terror. Not even from Mumbo's, whose face alone could have fueled one of her horrifying power trips.

"What are you doing here?" A Watcher growled. They had been fronting more and more lately, sometimes even leaving the one they swore to protect.

Stress thought his name was Henry or Harry or something like that. Probably.

"I'm looking for Xelqua. Take me to him, would you, luv?"

Harvey looked skeptical, but motioned for Stress to follow anyway. He led her down the halls slowly, as if unsure of what to do. "You lost, Harrold?"

"Harrold? What, no. Just not sure where they are."


"Xelqua and Grian."

"Oh yeah. I forgot Xelqua was in charge of that little pest."

Hayden scowled. "They're probably training."

He led her outside the castle to a small clearing behind the farthest wall. There indeed was Xelqua and Grian. Even from here, Stress could feel the power behind Grian's magic.

"Thanks, Hendrix." Stress told Hector. "I'll take it from here."

Herbert looked up with a confused expression before rolling his eyes. The audacity, Stress thought, but ignored it. He walked away, leaving Stress alone to watch Grian and Xelqua spar. After Xelqua won for the third time, Stress walked out of the shadows.

Both Grian and Xelqua had their eyes covered by cloth, but that didn't stop Grian from turning directly towards Stress as she walked towards them.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Stress." Grian greeted with a smile. Stress narrowed her eyes. "Come on, Stress, I'm not that much of a threat, am I?"

Xelqua tore off the cloth masking his view, snarling in anger when he saw Stress.

"Calm down, Xel. She's not here to hurt us."

Xelqua scowled, knowing he wasn't allowed to hurt anyone not directly threatening Grian. Both Stress and Grian knew this fact.

"You're getting stronger, young Seer."

Grian only nodded. "But you didn't come here just to compliment me."

"No... um... I need you to take my memories back."

"What?" Xelqua interjected. "No! You're just trying to trick us."

"Xel. She's not. I promise." Grian tilted his head and stared me directly in the eyes.

"Why do you want us to take your memories?"

"I don't need you just to take them... I need you to destroy them. So I can never remember this part of myself ever again."

"But why, Stress?" Grian's voice was calm, somehow allowing Stress to be calm as well.

"I don't like myself like... this."

Grian nodded. "We'll do it."

"Grian? Are you sure?" Xelqua asked frantically. The prince gave the Watcher a soft nod.

"It shouldn't be too difficult."

Grian held out his hands and motioned for Stress to take them. After a moment's hesitation, she did. Grian's overwhelming power flowed through her, causing her to shiver.

"It's gonna be okay, Stress. Just trust me, okay."

It hurt. A lot. Stress gritted her teeth and forced herself not to scream. Grian's presence in her mind was no longer welcome. Get out. Get out! Get. Out. Please! Why did she choose to do this again? It was awful enough the first time. Was Iskall really worth it? Yes. A hundred times yes. But soon, the cold fear was taken over by a strange warmth.

Why didn't she like this?

It was nice.


She had never felt like this before.

Or had she?

She couldn't remember.

Where was she?

What was she doing here?

Who was she?

Stress didn't really care.

The warmth was really nice.

She let it take her away. 

912 Words

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