The Escape

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Doc grunted as he reached for the panel just outside the cell door. He was tall and had long arms, so he knew he could reach it. Just a little. Bit. Further. Gotcha. His mechanical arm scraped against the metal as he pulled the cover off. When the small metal cover dropped to the floor with a clang, Doc winced. No one came to investigate the sound, and Doc kept going. He took a bundle of thick wires and redstone dust and pulled. He heard sparks and felt some resistance but yanked harder.

His hand fell away from the panel with a lump of wire in his hand. The door made a clicking noise, and Doc could feel the redstone no longer active in the door. He smiled and pushed open the now unlocked door.

With just a little bit of sneaking, and more getting lost than he cared to admit, Doc found his way out of the underground prison. His classic white coat was going to be far too conspicuous, so he discarded it and borrowed (read stole) a cloak from a passerby. Now, for the tricky part.

He snuck down the back tunnels, headed towards his room. He forced himself to keep his cool, to walk past the others using the passageway. It was just servants, he told himself, no one here should notice. And no one did. He managed to make it into his room with not a soul freaking out about the monster in the halls. But it seemed someone made it to his room first.


The soldier had his back away from the door, and when Doc called his name, he turned.

"Doc? Doc! What happened? I thought you were dead."

"Seems not. Why are you here?"

Etho let out a slow breath. "Impulse asked me to destroy everything in your room. But I... couldn't."

Doc closed the door behind him and began rummaging through his stacks of books and papers, taking only a couple. He tossed the ones he took in a large leather backpack. When he was done, he crawled into one of the room's corners and tugged at a loose stone brick. Even with Etho behind him, Doc could tell he was watching with fascination. With one last tug, the brick fell away and a small opening was revealed. Doc slid its contents out and tossed them in the bag as well.

"Where are you gonna go?"

"I don't know."

He tossed the bag over his shoulder and began walking out of the room.


Doc turned back.

"Can I come with you?"

"Did Impulse put you up to this?"

"No. I... can't deal with this." Etho gestured around Doc's room. "Any of this. Impulse is terrifying, Mumbo is acting super weird, and I'm not... not... I can't be here anymore."

Doc sighed. Etho was a friend, but trusting him could be dangerous. After all, he was Impulse's lacky. He weighed his options.

"Come on. We've got to hurry."

Etho relaxed and a smile blossomed on his face.

"Thank you."

Doc gave a small smile in response before walking out of the room with Etho right behind. They snuck through the passageways together, with Etho scouting ahead. It didn't take long for the pair to make their way to the outside doors. But someone got there first. Doc hid behind a corner, feeling very exposed, while Etho attempted not to sound nervous.


"Hey Wels."

"Impulse has been looking for you."

"Really? I just spoke to him."


"Maybe five minutes ago."

"I was with him five minutes ago, and he said he hasn't seen you since he sent you to Doc's."

"How odd."



"Where is he?"

"Where is who?"


"Umm." Etho began to sound panicked. Everyone knew that lying was not his strong suit.

"He's missing and you..." Wels stepped forward, "are lying to me. So, where is he?"

Doc sighed. "Right here." He stepped out from behind the corner.

Wels drew his sword and readied it for an attack. But Etho was faster. Within seconds he was next to Wels, with his own sword drawn. He struck the knight with the heavy pommel of the blade, causing Wels to grunt in pain and turn his sword to Etho.

"Don't do this." Wels pleaded.

"Too late." Etho whispered back. He struck. The swords clashed together with a horrid scraping noise. They danced across the small hallway, each of them countering every strike the other sent. They were good. Very good. Doc had seen knights spar before, but this was different. Not like they were trying to hurt one another, but still fighting for more than just pride. Problem is, no one likes to lose. And someone was bound to get hurt.

It was Wels. An expertly placed strike from Etho earned the knight a deep gash in his side. He fell to the ground and hissed in pain.

"I'm sorry, Wels."

"You should be." It sounded like Wels, but it didn't come from the knight on the floor.

The knight looked confused, but a wave of understanding washed through his face after a quick glance behind Doc. When he turned around, an almost clone of Wels stood behind him. But this new person was not looking at Doc, but Etho.


The soldier turned at Doc's call, spotting the clone almost immediately.


"Hiya Hels." Wels coughed out. The clone rushed over to Wels and put his hand over Wel's wound. It closed quickly leaving only a thin, pink scar behind.

"You really need to stop almost dying."

"I wasn't gonna die."


"Who are you?" Doc asked slowly.

The clone turned. "My name is Hels. I'm a Watcher."

"That's...not the strangest thing I've heard today." He gave the Watcher a nod. "We were just leaving."

"No!" Wels stood back up. "I'm not letting you go."

Doc rolled his eyes. "Come on. Etho beat you." He gestured to the scared looking soldier.

"That is true. But I'm healed now, and you aren't getting past this guy."

Hels smirked. "You know I'm only supposed to protect you, right, not fight people for you?"

"Of course. But if you don't keep them from leaving, they'll hurt me to get past."

Unfortunately, Wels was right. And magic was not something Doc could fight. He looked back to Etho, who was looking slightly less scared, and slightly more uncertain. An odd look occupied his eyes.



"Are you okay?"

"No. But you will be."

"Excuse me?"

The sword Etho held was swarmed with black mist. Shadows crept up and down the hallway.


"Run Doc."

The Watcher gave Etho a dangerous look. With a twist of his hand, he summoned a sword.

"Go!" Etho shouted.

Doc ran.

1106 Words

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