The Healer

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Stress watched Grian draw from across the room. She couldn't see what his pen strokes were making from here, but she would see later when Grian was asleep. She hated snooping, but his drawings were just so good. They were mostly buildings, and odd ones at that. Not that all of them were strange, just not styles that Stress ever expected to see on a building. Nor to the liking of someone like Grian.

Even with their oddness, they were beautiful. Stress hoped that one day some might exist outside ink and paper.


It was Iskall. Stress smiled. She moved over to the front of the building where the door was.



"I have an important delivery from Ren." Iskall smiled slyly.

"Grian, luv?"


"Can you hold down the fort while I take this?"


He didn't even look up from his drawing. Stress turned back into the building and Iskall followed. They took a second to give Grian a second glance. Must not be used to new people, Stress decided. It had been so long since a stranger joined their group. She led them through the back door and up the stairs that led to her room. Ren didn't like her being far away from her wards, so she stayed in an extra room in the building when someone occupied the hospital. Unfortunately, Iskall was not allowed to stay with her.

"I've missed you."

"It's only been three days." Stress giggled.

"Still. It's hard to sleep without you beside me."

"I know. Has been troubled sleep here too."

"Stress..." Iskall moved closer to Stress and placed a hand on her waist. She relished the small gesture, and smiled.

"It's okay Iskall. Just some nightmares."

"Nightmares? You haven't mentioned nightmares."

"I didn't want to worry you."

"Stress... You know you don't have to keep secrets for my benefit."

"I know, I know. It's just." Stress paused. Was she really doing this? "It's always the same one. Someone slaughtering everyone I love. I watch it from their perspective, as they slit everyone's throat."

"I'm so sorry." Iskall said as he pulled Stress into a hug.

"Wait, that's not it. Last night, the dream changed. I always wake up before I kill you. You're the last one left. But last night, I stood in front of you. I tried to wake up, I tried to scream, I tried to stop them. But I couldn't. They- They- killed you. There was so much blood. And before you died, you said one thing. 'Stress'. There was a mirror behind me that I hadn't seen before. Iskall," Stress sobbed, and Iskall held her closer, "it was me. I killed you."

"It's just a dream, my love. Just a dream."

Stress pushed Iskall away slightly. Just enough for her to be able and look him in the eyes.

"That's just it, Iskall. It doesn't feel like a dream. More like a memory."

"Well, in that case, I can assure you it's not real. I am very much alive."

"I know." Stress pressed her face into Iskall's chest. But she also knew something about all of this was not making sense.

Iskall stayed a little while longer before going back to their job in the center of their small town. When they asked, Stress reassured them about the nightmares, even though she herself knew that another restless night would soon find her. She rubbed her eyes, trying to soothe the headache growing behind them.


Stress sighed. It was Grian. She walked down the stairs to spot him sitting on the floor with a roll of bandages twisted around his arm. They were loose and sloppy, and the end of the roll was rolling away. Stress suppressed a laugh.

"What happened here, luv?"

"I didn't want to bother you?"

He spoke it like a question, seemingly scared Stress would be mad. Fortunately, it took a lot more than some wasted bandage to upset her.

"Come here, luv." Stress took the end of the roll and tore it from the bandage already out. She set the roll down gently on the counter and helped Grian unravel himself from the thick cloth. A smaller, tighter bandage was already around the wound, still keeping the blood from seeping through. So she wouldn't have to waste any more. Nice.

"Hold still."

With a swift motion, Stress unraveled the bandage from Grian's arm. He was hissing in pain, and Stress could see why when she saw the cut. It was dark red with black lines snaking out from the center. She bit her lip as she recognized the problem.

"You have magic poisoning, luv."

"What is that?"

"Creepers are a special kind of creature. Unlike dogs and horses, their life energy is bound to magic. Not the Earth." Stress began to clean the wound, causing more pain-fueled hisses to escape Grian's mouth.

"What's a creeper?"

Stress looked at the boy with shock. How had anyone been allowed to grow up without being taught how to avoid those monsters? He grew up in the castle, but still.

"The thing that attacked you. Green, big, long neck."

"Oh. So they're magic?"

"Not in the same way that sorcerers are, but in the way that they are alive because of the magic flowing through them. They still have hearts, and blood, and brains, but they live off consuming magic."

"Why did it attack me then? I'm not magic."

Grian was looking away, so he missed the strange look Stress gave him. How could this kid not know?

"Life energy, earth energy, is enough to sustain them for a while." Stress sighed. "Keeping them out of the city is difficult."

The pair were quiet for a second.

"Back to magic poisoning. When creepers explode, they release vast amounts of magical energy into the area. This magic can easily seep into wounds. Since your body isn't used to that sort of magic, it reacted. When that happens, it's called magic poisoning."

"Can you cure it?"

Stress almost laughed at the genuine fear in his voice.

"Of course, luv."

She finished wrapping the bandage and walked in front of Grian.



"You don't worry about me, okay? That's my job."


"No buts. You worry about yourself and getting better."

"But," Grian paused, waiting for Stress to interject, continuing when she didn't, "if I'm worrying about me, and you're worrying about me, then who's gonna worry about you?"

"I have people to take care of me."

"Iskall one of them?" Grian smirked.

"Run along now, get back to your drawing or something."

The kid laughed and gave Stress one last sweet look before going back to his bed. What was she going to do? It was obvious the little Prince didn't know the power he possessed. Wait? Prince. Grian hadn't said anything about that. But it made sense. And even if it didn't, Stress knew it was true.

It was one of those things that just happened to her, knowing things about people she shouldn't. Usually it was little things. But this was not little. This was huge. This was dangerous. The prince was here. And he was magic. And he didn't know it.

This was not good. This was very, very not good. 

1184 Words

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