The Rescue

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Grian's whole body hurt. But pain meant he was alive. How? He opened his eyes, but the bright light hurt so he closed them. Distant mumblings became louder, but it was all too jumbled to understand. Something touched his arm and he jerked back. The mumbling became more fervent before dying down. Grian could just make out about 2 or maybe three voices, but still no words.

Something glass was placed on his lips and a cool liquid washed up against them. He opened his mouth and drank the blissful liquid down. It was gone all too quickly, but his whole being began to feel better. What was that stuff?

He tried opening his eyes again, and this time the light was not so intrusive. He still had to squint, but he could keep them open.

"Is the light too much for you, luv?"

Grian nodded in the general direction of the voice. The person was too blurry to see properly, so Grian was unsure if he even nodded at the right person. There was one blob in front of him and another moving around the room.

"Ren, turn down the light."

A couple seconds later, Grian heard a click and the lights dimmed. He could finally open his eyes all the way. The room was small and cozy, with five beds lining one wall and cabinets lining the other. There was a door at either end of the room, and windows behind each bed. Now, all the blinds were closed, and only one of the many ceiling lights was on.

And the figures. The one in front of him wore a long white jacket and some light pink pants. A crown of flowers sat atop her head and her wavy brown hair stopped a couple inches over her shoulders. Her smile was a kind one, but worry was in her eyes.

"Is that better?"

"Yeah." Grian said before entering a coughing fit. When it was over, he saw flecks of blood on the bed sheets. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize, luv. It's to be expected, really."

"What do you mean?"

"This is a hospital, or as close to one that we have. Blood is a common sight here."


Grian saw some movement behind the woman and remembered the second person in the room. He did not look nearly as kind as the woman. His eyes were thin, and his head was tilted. Grian bit his lip as he recognised the expression. Suspicion.

"Don't mind him," the woman said as she stepped in between Grian and the man, "let me take care of you."

Grian looked down at his hands. "Why are you helping me?"

"Because that's what I do." She sat down beside Grian on the bed. "What's your name, luv?"

He very nearly didn't answer, but somehow, he felt comfortable here. "Grian. My name is Grian."

"Nice to meet you Grian," the woman stuck out her hand for Grian to take, "My name is Stress. The angry looking man over there is Ren."

Grian took Stress' hand, "Nice to meet you too."

"Now, what hurts?"


Stress laughed. It was warm and kind. "Figured. Anything hurt worse than everything else?"

Grian considered this. "My back. And my arm."

"Makes sense. Your spine was broken when we found you and you have a nasty cut on your left arm."

A soft scratching noise appeared at the door. Stress smiled at the door and motioned for Ren to open it. He did and a little silver kitten padded her way through the door. She shot Ren a dirty look before hopping up on the bed beside Grian.

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