The Betrayl

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Grian giggled as he watched the chickens peck at their feed. He was put in charge of taking care of them once he left the hospital and he couldn't be happier. This place was calm, and homely. Ren made a camp where every member protected each other. Sure, Stress and Iskall looked at him strange sometimes, but he just assumed they were worried about him disturbing his injuries. There was no need, however, because all that was left from his stint at the hospital were the memories and a long pink scar.

Pearl hissed at any bird who got too close to her, unhappy that she wasn't allowed to hunt them. Grian loved the kitten, and while he was sad that Maui was nowhere to be found, he was glad Pearl found his way to him. Even if he had genuinely no clue of how she found him.


"Hey Iskall!"

"I need to talk to you about something important."

Grian turned to them, tilting his head in confusion. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm not sure yet."

Now Iskall really had his attention. "Do you wanna go inside?"

They nodded. Iskall led him to a small row of buildings and into one of the rooms in the center. It was a smallish room with a bathroom on the side. Grian recognized it as it looked almost exactly like the room given to him, with the exception of this one looking much more lived in.

"What do you know about the prince's disappearance?" Iskall's expression turned accusatory.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Grian shot back.

"Grian. I know you're the missing prince."

"So why haven't you said anything to anyone?"

"I was ordered not to. By Impulse."

"Why him?"

"Because without you or the queen, he's taken control of the kingdom. And I think he's about to do something to get rid of you."

"Why do you think that?"

"I got a message this morning to get you by yourself at noon."

Grian looked outside. "That's in... an hour or so."

"Exactly. I couldn't decide what to do, especially with how much Stress like you and I wanted to protect her and do my job but I don't know how to do both." Iskall looked really nervous. He should be, Grian thought. He was angry, angry at Iskall for even considering betraying him, angry at Impulse for wanting to hurt him, angry at himself for trusting so easily.

"I'm sorry Grian."


Iskall walked quickly out the door, slamming it behind him. Grian tried to open the door behind him, but it was locked. He kicked it, but it stood fast. He collapsed on the floor and let out a choked sob, his head resting in the dent where he kicked the door.

He heard a crash behind him and turned. The scene before him seemed to be one out of a storybook. A clone of himself stood above him, turned to another man on the ground. He looked angry, and prepared himself for another attack. He ran at Grian, but his clone got in the way. The man only smiled, and when he blinked, his eyes glowed blue. He phased through Grian's clone, and dove at the prince.

He rolled out of the way, the man's knife digging itself into the wooden door, creating deep cracks that traveled up and down the wood grain. Yanking it out, he readied himself for another attack, but Grian's clone was already there, grabbing his cloak and tossing him to the side.

"Stop this before I have to actually hurt you." The clone even sounded like him.

"He's a monster, and even if he wasn't, I was paid to get rid of him."

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