The Regret

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Mumbo stood quietly in the corner of the room. Ren's people had taken over the castle and Impulse was nowhere to be found. His self-preservation instincts were telling him to run, but something told him that was a very bad idea. Especially if Ren found out Mumbo's role in all of this.

He watched as Grian, a formerly stuck-up and self-centered brat, lit up the castle with kindness and respectful authority. How could someone like him change so fast? It was impressive, and kinda scary.


He jerked up to see Grian standing in front of him. He had discarded his usual garb of decorative clothes and cape and instead wore something much more simple. It suited him far better, in Mumbo's opinion.


"You okay? You seem kinda out of it."

"Sorry, it's just..."

Grian smiled kindly. "It's okay Mumbo. You don't have to have an explanation."


Grian started to turn away but Mumbo stopped him.

"Hey Grian?"


"Can... can I go see Impulse?"


Mumbo didn't know why he asked. Of course Grian was going to react like this. Why would he not? After all, Impulse is the reason his life went to crap.

"Nevermind, it was a stupid question."

"No, go ahead. I was just wondering why because of how he manipulated you."

"I honestly don't know. It just seems right, y'know."

"Of course, go ahead."


He said goodbye to Grian and ventured down to the cells. It hadn't been long since the last time he was here, but the halls still felt so foreign. So distant and cold.

When he arrived at the cell, Impulse was laying on the mattress silently.


"Go away Mumbo." Impulse growled without looking up.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't really mean that. If you did, you would be in that cell next to me."

"That's not what I mean. I'm sorry you felt you needed power. I'm sorry I didn't realize what you were doing sooner. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you see what you were doing before it was too late."

"Whatever." He rolled over and looked at Mumbo. Something behind the engineer caught his eye, however, and he squinted to get a better look. A flash of recognition crossed his eyes and he scrambled to the back of the cell.

"Hello, luv."

Mumbo didn't recognize the voice, nor did he recognize the woman who had been standing behind him.

"Who are you?"

"Name's Stress, but most people just call me a monster."

"Who would do that?" Mumbo said, trying and failing to keep his voice steady.

"Not sure. Maybe you should ask your brother."

"How do you..."

"How do I know Impulse is your brother? Well, I know a lot of things I shouldn't." She smiled a sickening grin. "For example, the nature of revenge. For example, when someone-" she gave Impulse a glaring stare "-hurts you, hurting them back is always an option. But you can only do so much to someone's body before it gets old." She turned towards Mumbo, her eyes boring into his soul. "Or, instead of hurting their body, you can hurt their mind. Grief hurts a thousand times worse than a broken bone."

"What are you implying?"

"Haven't you already figured it out, you spoon? You're one of the only people left that Impulse cares for."

Mumbo's heart sank. It hit him far too late. Stress was blocking the exit and he wasn't a fighter. It didn't stop him from trying to dodge Stress' hand, but she was quite a bit faster than Mumbo expected.

Impulse slammed himself against the cell bars, frantically trying to stop Stress. Desperate swipes fell short of Stress and Mumbo, and the woman merely laughed.


Still, she laughed. "Give up, dear Impulse." The hand that wasn't holding Mumbo's arm lit up with black magic. She brushed the flames across Mumbo's face, making him scream out in pain.

"Oli!" Impulse called, his knees giving out under him and he fell to the ground.

Stress smiled and placed her finger on Mumbo's cheek. It seared his skin, blistering burns creeping out along his face. He screamed again and began to cry, the salty tears only making the burns hurt even more. The grip on his arm let up, and he fell to the floor. At least, he thought he did. It was hard to feel anything besides the burn.

"This magic is special, specifically designed for torture. Pure evil, as you might say. It's only goal is to hurt. Mumbo will be fine, but that fire will never leave him. The scars will stay. And so will the pain, but" she paused, "only when you're near him. When you're near him, the pain will flare, and the closer you get, the more it will hurt. The only way for you to keep him from this," she gestured to Mumbo writhing on the floor, "is for you to stay far, far away from him."

"I hate you."

Stress chuckled. "I don't care, Impulse. You spent your entire life hunting me down, hurting innocents, and even planning to kill a child to get even a little bit more power. It was never enough for you, no matter how many people you hurt." She shook, seemingly trying to control her anger. "They took my memories a long time ago, and I only recently got them back. That doesn't mean, Impulse, that I forgot everything in between. Iskall was kind to me, maybe even loved me. They never will now, because of you."

"How the h*ll was that my fault?" Impulse growled.

"You, from the very beginning, were obsessed with killing that child. When he came to Ren's camp, even without my memories I recognised him for what he was. I'm sure some others did too. But that;s not important. What is important is you threatening me, a kind healer, to keep Iskall in line. Had you not done that, and had you not sent that assassin after the young prince, Xelqua would have never fronted. I never would have seen him. I never would have gotten my memories back. Iskall would still love me."


"Grian's Watcher, you moron." She growled. "Like I said, grief hurts a thousand times worse than physical pain, and now, you'll get to feel that pain too." She turned away. "I hope you learn your lesson."

"Wait! Please. You have to get him away from me." Impulse said, motioning to Mumbo.

"I don't have to do a d*mn thing for you."

She left Impulse and Mumbo alone.

"Oli... I'm so sorry." Impulse whispered. Mumbo continued to whimper in pain.  

1105 Words

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