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At the end of the day I was alone in the make up trailer cleaning up my station when the door opened and I turned to see Chris walk in and he smiled.


"Hey, you heading home?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah but I needed to ask you for something." Chris asked and I looked at him oddly.

"Yeah?" He pulled out his cellphone and I smiled.

"Your number. The thing I should have gotten a year ago." Chris said and I took his phone when he offered it to me. I put my number in and then text myself from his phone. I gave Chris back his phone and he seemed slightly relieved getting my number.

"Chris, can I ask a question?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course." Chris said.

"How did you remember my name and the song? It's been a year." I said and he sighed and I saw a blush rising on his neck to his cheeks.

"Full honesty?" Chris asked.

"Full honesty."

"Once I got off stage and couldn't find you I wrote down your name in the notes in my phone but only going off of Jessa, I didn't have much to search for you. And the song...well like I said Little Mermaid is a favorite of mine and knowing if was yours it just stuck with me." Chris explained and I smiled.

"You really kept my name in your phone for a year?" I asked and Chris smiled and pulled up his notes on his phone and showed me the name Jessa and part of your world written under it with the lyrics I sang to him.

"You amaze me." I said and Chris smiled.

"What if you never saw me again? I mean I took this job not knowing anything." I said and Chris sighed.

"Then you would have been a name in my phone as the girl who got away." Chris said and I smiled.

"Well we better get out of here before they lock us in on set." I said and he laughed. He opened the make up trailer door for me as I gather myself and we left. I walked to my car and Chris smiled.

"So rental car or do you live around here?" Chris asked. We were filming in Boston, Massachusetts, near Chris' hometown.

"Is the Boston boy asking if he had a Boston girl?" I asked in a Boston accent and Chris smiled.

"You are from here!" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Born and raised in Boxborough." I said and Chris smiled.

"You were 10 miles away my entire life?!" Chris asked and I laughed.

"Where did you grow up?" I asked.

"Sudbury." Chris said and I smiled and the thought about it.

"You should have just traveled west on MA-27 and been to my neck of the woods in about 15 minutes." I said and Chris laughed.

"How stupid were we." Chris said and I smiled.

"Well are you still in Sudbury?" I asked and Chris shook his head.

"Mom is but I love in Concord now." Chris said and I smiled.

"That's a little closer." I said and Chris nodded. I was now leaned against my driver's side door and Chris was standing very close to me.

"I should really go." I said and he nodded.

"Me too." Chris said. Neither of us moved.

"Chris..." I said as he moved in closer and he moved to my cheek and kissed my cheek and grabbed my car door handled as the same time as I moved and the door opened.

"Good night Jessa." Chris said and I smiled.

"Good night Chris." I said getting in my car. He closed the car door and I started up my car going home.

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The next morning I was in the make-up trailer alone since the other girl wasn't due to come in today. I was sitting in my make-up chair scrolling through my phone and just checking something out that were going on in town this weekend and I felt someone rest their chin on my shoulder.

"Anything exciting about me online?" Chris asked and I laughed.

"You think I'm googling you Evans?" I asked as he kissed my cheek.

"Doesn't everyone." Chris asked and I laughed.

"Very pompous of you to think so." I said and Chris smiled at me as I got up from the chair and he sat down.

"If you must know Mr. Evans I was looking for something to do this weekend and I saw that there is a fair down by the harbor I might hit up." I said and Chris smiled.

"Yeah I was going to go with my sisters and brother." Chris said and I smiled.

"I was probably going alone." I said as I stepped between Chris' legs to start working and he placed his hands on my hips and I shook my head with a small smile.

"So where are we going tonight? I need to know what to wear." I said and Chris smiled up at me.

"You want to go somewhere casual or even take out at one of our places?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"Take out would be lovely. We wont be seen out and your identity is safe and not seen with yet another girl." I said and he groaned.

"Don't worry about that, if you want to go out..." Chris said and I shook my head.

"Chris, I haven't seen you in a year and even then I knew you all of 5 minutes. I would like to get to know you without people around and just us somewhere." I said and Chris nodded

"My place or yours?" Chris asked.

"Mine, I will send you my address." I said and Chris smiled. I put on the little bit of make-up he needed to cover up the bags under his eyes and I fixed her hair. Once he stood up from the chair I got pinned between him and the counter. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Have a good day Jessa." Chris said.

"You too. Don't mess up too bad." I said and he laughed.

"Vote of confidence, I like it." Chris said and laughed leaving.

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