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The next night Chris and I arrive at his mom's house and he was nervous like I was the night before.

"Hey, I have met your brother. So that's one person down." I said and Chris nodded with a smiled.

"Sometimes the toughest critic." Chris said and I laughed. I grabbed the bottle of wine from the back seat.

"You didn't have to do that." Chris said and I shook my head.

"You said it was her favorite so we got it. You got my mom flowers and my dad whiskey. I wasn't showing up empty handed." I said as we walked hand and hand to the front door. Chris stopped me before we walked in.

"So, they can be loud and intrusive. If it gets to be too much just tell me." Chris said and I shook my head.

Chris, stop. Everything will be fine." I said and he leaned in giving me a short kiss, only breaking apart when the door was flung open and Scott was standing there.

"Jessa!" Scott said and pulled me into a hug. I laughed as we hugged.

"Okay Scott, you eventually have to let her go." Chris said and Scott shook his head.

"Nope she is mine now." Scott said and I laughed.

"Scott no offense, I'm not your type." I said and he laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Very true." Scott said and we laughed. He released me and Chris took my hand as we walked into the living room.

"Hey." Chris said seeing his niece and nephews sitting there.

"Hey Uncle Chris." They said.

"Guys, this is Jessa." He said and I smiled.

"Hey guys." I said and they smiled at me.

"That's Miles, Ethan and Stella." Chris said pointing them out to me.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"Uncle Chris can we play hide and seek later?" Miles asked and Chris laughed.

"Yeah, sure. Can Jessa play?" Chris asked and they nodded.

"Sounds great. Where are grandma, Aunt Shanna and your mom?" Chris asked.

"Dining room." Stella said and we went walking in and the women were setting the table. Lisa saw me first and came rushing over.

"Jessa this is my Ma, Lisa..." Chris said and we hugged.

"It's so nice to meet you Mrs. Evans." I said as we broke apart.

"Please, call me Ma, all the older kids do." Lisa said and I smiled.

"Of course." I said and then handed her the bottle of wine. "This is for you." I said and she smiled.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed as Chris motioned over his sisters.

"This is Carly my mother sister and mother to the 3 rugrats and the baby of the family Shanna." Chris said and I hugged them both.

"Nice to finally meet you." Carly said.

"Finally?" I asked and the girls laughed.

"Chris talks about you constantly when he calls Ma." Shanna said, I side eye Chris and he is turned a nice shade of red of embarrassment.

"Does he now...?" I questioned in a teasing tone.

"Crap..." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"We all must talk later." I said and the girls nodded.

"This is going to be a problem..." Chris mumbled with a smile.

"Well we still have like a half hour before dinner and I know the kids are wanting to play hide and seek so how about a quick game?" Lisa said and the kids heard from the living.

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