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Chris and I were lying in bed after having our fun once we arrived at the hotel and were just cuddled in bed.

"That was great start to the weekend getaway." I said and Chris laughed.

"It was, but I plan on doing that a lot more." Chris said and I looked up from where my head was on his chest and nodded.

"Obviously." I said and Chris smiled.
"So I was thinking..." I said.

"About?" Chris asked.

"So I know this is hidden and everything with us but what about our families? Do we have to wait until filming is over to introduce each other to family and friends?" I asked and Chris sighed.

"I don't know...I mean my brother and mom have already figured out someone is taking up all of my time..." Chris said and I smiled.

"Yeah my mom has been calling and wanting me to come and see her on a weekend off. She is just wanting to know how work is and how things are going." I said and Chris smiled.

"I mean I can ask Megan what she thinks." Chris said and I nodded. He went to get out of bed and I wrapped my arm tighter around his torso.

"No! No moving." I said and he laughed.

"We have to get out of bed eventually." Chris said and I quickly rolled myself on top of him and straddled him.

"Who said?" I said. Chris groaned and I grinded myself on him. I then moved and felt him hard again and I smiled as I moved and inserted him inside of me and moaned as I moved down on him.

"Fuck Jessa." Chris said through gritted teeth and I smiled as I started moving back and forth on him. Chris moved his hands up my body and started massaging my breasts and moaned when he took his thumb and pointer finger and started gently tweaking my nipples. I started moving on Chris faster and hard causing him to groan moving his hands back down to my hip. I leaned down and passionately kissed Chris as I started to clench around him. I felt him twitch and start to fill me up and I moaned as he bucked up and hit my spot sending me over the edge. Once I was fully finished I rolled off of Chris and he turned his head to look at me.

I think you were right, no moving from the bedis a good plan." Chris said and we both laughed.

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Chris and I finally got out of bed and took showers to get ready to go out for a late lunch/early dinner since we spent most of the afternoon in the bed.

"The lady at the front desk mentioned Steve's pizza next door. We should check it out." I said as I did my make-up and Chris nodded.

"Sounds good." Chris said and I smiled. Once I finished getting ready I looked at my hat.

"Do I need to wear it?" I asked and Chris shook his head.

"No, I'm wearing mine though." Chris said and I smiled.

"Good, you look hot in your hat." I said walking up to him and grabbing his hat from the table

"But I do hate covering up the hair." I said running my fingers through his hair and then gripped. He groaned and leaned in and passionately kissed me.

"God, I could kiss you all day and never stop." Chris said and I smiled.

"Alright Casanova, let's go get food." I said and Chris laughed as I placed his hat on his head. He grabbed the room key and we headed down the parking lot just walking holding hands.

"You did bring a bathing suit right?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yeah why? This place doesn't have a pool." I said and Chris laughed.

"No but there is a beach." Chris said and I smiled.

"You gonna wear the hat on the beach?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Probably a t-shirt though, the tattoos are too noticeable." Chris said and I nodded.

"But I love them." I said and he laughed.

"I know you do." Chris said, he then leaned down to my ear.

"Don't think I didn't notice yours." Chris said and I smiled. I had a butterfly on my wrist, a fairy on my right shoulder blade and then a crescent moon with stars around it on my left pelvic bone.

"Hey mine are hidable, well at least 2 of them." I said.

"Mine are too...if I wear a shirt." Chris said and we laughed. We walked into the pizza shop and I smiled at how cute it was.

"Hey! Welcome to Steve's!" This guys said walking up to him. He was older and just all over happy.

"Hi." I said as he grabbed menus and walked Chris and I to a table.

"You visiting our lovely town?" He asked.

"We are, it's a little weekend getaway." Chris said and the guy smiled.

"Well then you don't need these." He said taking the menus from us and we got confused.

"What?" I asked with a laugh.

"I will bring you the house special which is our amazing stuffed crust pepperoni pizza. You'll love it." He said and I smiled as Chris nodded.

"Sounds amazing." Chris said and the guy walked away I smiled at Chris.

"I'm loving this town so far. The lady at the motel was sweet and now this guy." I said and Chris smiled.

"Do you think I could take the hat off? I don't like wearing it out with you, I want to be me not in hiding me and there is barely anyone here." Chris said and I looked around.

"That is your choice Chris." I said and he smiled at me. He sighed and took the hat off setting it beside him on the open chair. He seemed to tense up slightly when he took it off.

"Hey....you can wear it. If it makes you feel better." I said and I saw his hand resting on the table and I placed mine over it.

🎵I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see
Wanna see 'em dancin'
Walkin' around on those
Whad'ya call 'em? Oh - feet
Flippin' your fins you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'
Strollin' along down a
What's that word again? Street

Up where they walk
Up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free
Wish I could be
Part Of Your World🎵

I sang quietly and he smiled at me and I saw his shoulders instantly loosen and he wasn't as tense.

"Thank you." Chris said and I smiled.

"I'm here for you." I said and he grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. He then pulled out his cellphone and held it out getting us both in frame.

"Photographic evidence!" I said and Chris laughed as we took a picture together. He then sent it to me.

"I want to make this my lock screen so bad." I said and Chris gave a small smile.

"I know, me too." Chris said. He then looked at our hands together and Chris smiled and took a picture of that and I smiled.

"Use that." Chris said and I smiled and smirked but once I got the picture I made it my lock screen and Chris did the same.

"Perfect." I said and Chris smiled.

"You're perfect." Chris said and I smiled. He leaned over the table and kissed me. 

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