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We had our weekend and we were back at work on the beginning of the week and I was sitting in the makeup trailer just hanging out waiting on Chris to come in. The door opened and I looked as a brown and white dog come running in. I knew who he was instantly.

"Hey bubba!" I said getting out of the chair and crouching down to his level.

"So I bring my dog and you forget about me?" Chris asked. I looked up at him.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked and smiled at him. He rolled his eyes and leaned down and kissed me.

"Missed you this morning." Chris said and I smiled as he sat in the make-up chair.

"I had to go home eventually Evans." I said and he groaned.

"But why once we got into town?" Chris asked and I sighed once I was done loving on Dodger.

"Because I had to get ready for today." I said and Chris shook my head.

"If you would just move in..." Chris said and I groaned as I started styling his hair and dug my nails in his scalp slightly and he winced.

"Stop, I'm not moving in." I said and he sighed.

"Fine." Chris said and I looked at him in the mirror and he looked upset. I leaned down to his ear.

"Don't be mad Evans, until I move in I will be in your bed whenever you want me to be." I whispered and he groaned.

"So tonight?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"Except for tonight." I said and Chris looked at me. "I have plans." I said and Chris looked at me suspiciously.

"You are just telling me now?" Chris asked and I groaned.

"Hey, they were just verified this morning. I was planning on telling you." I said.

"Who with?" Chris asked.

"My baby sister." I said.

"You have a sister?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"I do, I even have a niece." I said and Chris smiled.

"How old is she?" Chris asked.

"7." I said and Chris smiled.

"Mine is 8." Chris said and I smiled.

"We have a lot to learn about each other don't we?" I asked and Chris sighed with a nod.

"So maybe no more moving in talk for a while?" I asked.

"Yeah...okay." Chris said and I finished his hair and stepped in front of him and he placed his hand on my hips like usual, I had gotten used to it. Only today he slid his fingers under my t-shirt and I looked at him.

"I need some skin contact."

"Wow...you are that desperate?" I asked and he laughed and then tickled me. We were both silent and he sighed.

"I was able to touch you whenever I wanted to do 3 days. Now I have to go back to only on nights and weekends." Chris said and I sighed. I shook my head and leaned down and kissed him. He moved his hands down to my ass and cupped it. The kiss was getting very deep when there was a knock on the door and we sprung apart as it opened. Dodger got excited and walked up to whoever walked in. Chris looked in the mirror.

"Scott?! What are you doing here?!" Chris asked. Scott looked at us.

"What were you two doing when I walked in?" Scott asked and I blushed and Chris punched him in the stomach.

"Jessa, this is Scott, my ass of a brother." Chris said introducing us and I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"I stand by what I said Chris, she is out of your league. Seeing her in person proves it." Scott said and we laughed and Chris groaned as I finished his make-up.

"You're done. You better get to set." I said and he groaned. He gave me a small peck of a kiss since Scott knew about us."

"You coming?" Chris asked and he sat down and shook his head.

"Nope, I'm staying here with Jessa and we are going to get to know each other. I need to know what she see's in you." Scott said and I laughed. Dodger went to follow Chris.

"Stay with Jessa and Scott." He said and Dodger came and laid at my feet. Chris looked at me and Scott.

"Play nice Scott." Chris said and I laughed. Once the door was shut Scott looked at me and smiled.

"Okay first things first...are you really okay with this being a secret between the two of you while filming in happening?" Scott asked and I sighed.

"Is it ideal? No, of course not. I would love to be able to go out to places around town with Chris. Am I willing to do it to be with him right now? Absolutely." I said and Scott smiled.

"Any siblings?" Scott asked and I nodded.

"A sister." I said and Scott smiled.

"Nice only one." Scott said and I laughed.

"Yeah there are how many of you again?" I asked forgetting.

"4. Carly is the oldest, then Chris, then the best me, then Shanna." Scott explained.


"Any nieces or nephews?" Scott asked.

"One niece, she is 7. Melissa. Mel for short." I said and Scott nodded.

"We have 2 nephews and 1 niece. All from Carly. Ethan 13, Miles 9 and Stella 8."

"Big family. It's really just always been me and my parents and sister." I said. Scott and I continued to talk until Chris came back for lunch and I sighed knowing I couldn't join them. Apart on set was started to suck.

"Have fun guys." I said and Scott sighed.

"Come with us. As my guest." Scott said and I shook my head.

"I can't but have fun." I said.

"I'll be right out." Chris said to Scott.

"I'll stand guard." Scott said and we laughed as he left the trailer. Chris walked over to me.

"You know this pains me right? I just want to eat with you." Chris said and I nodded.

"I know, soon." I said and he nodded. He leaned and passionately kissed me. Once we went to break apart I bit his bottom lip.

"What time do you leave today?" Chris asked and I looked at the schedule.

"7pm." I said and Chris nodded.

"Okay I'll come see you before then." Chris said and I nodded.

"Have a good lunch Evans."

"You too Jessa." Chris said and left the trailer. I groaned once he left. I wanted to join them so bad but I had to wait until I was sure there was enough distance between us to not make it look obvious. I started thinking about what Scott asked and wondered was this all worth it? Weekend and Nights and secrets meets in a trailer whenever he came in? Was I setting myself up for heartbreak? 

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