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I had text Chris halfway through the day my address as I sat in the make up chair playing music and just enjoying the time alone without actors in here needing worked on. As I sat there my cellphone went off with a text.

CHRIS: So you are sure about your place tonight? We call still do mine?

I sighed and shook my head. I had a reason I said my place.

JESSA: Yes Chris I'm sure. I trust you but I want to have the upper hand and if we are at my place I do and I want to know I could kick you out if I wanted to.

CHRIS: Wow, not inspiring much confidence in our first date.

JESSA: Never said I would kick you out just that I want that upper hand.

CHRIS: Well as long as I have a fighting chance.

JESSA: There is always a fight chance Evans. You have to have the gumption to work for it.

CHRIS: I have tried to find you for a year. I think now that I have you I'm willing to fight.

JESSA: We'll see about that tonight. Never said I was completely yours.

CHRIS: Well I know what I need to change tonight then.

JESSA: Get back to work Evans.

CHRIS: I'm actually coming to see you ma'am. I need some touch ups.

Before I could even think about answering him the trailer door opened and Chris walked in.

"So you just text me the whole way here?" I asked and Chris smiled and shrugged as I stayed sitting in my chair and he just looked at me.

"Well yeah, I was bored on my walk." Chris said and I laughed. He walked around to the front of my chair and leaned down placing his hand on the arm rest and leaned in close to my face.

"Maybe I just wanted to talk to you too. I can't stop thinking about you Jessa." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"I'm pretty hard to forget." I said and Chris smiled and shook his head.

"So full of yourself." Chris said and I laughed

"And your not?" I asked.

"Never..." Chris said. He was so close his breath was mixing with him. I saw his eyes trail down my face and land on my lips as I licked them instinctively.

"Don't do that Jessa, I'm showing a lot of will power right now, I'm holding back as best I can." Chris said and I smirked.

"Why hold back?" I asked and Chris groaned and leaned in further and his lips touched mine as he kissed me. I couldn't help but feel the butterflies take flight in my stomach as he moved a hand from the arm of the chair and placed on the back of my neck holding me to him. He traced his tongue along my lips and I moaned letting him in. I wrapped my arms around Chris's neck as we made out. We finally broke apart after a few minutes and we just looked at each other.

"Okay, I need to work on getting you ready or you are never leaving." I said and Chris smiled as I got up from the chair, Chris sat in the chair and pulled me into his lap and I shook my head, smacking his chest and getting up.

"I need to work, you are distracting." I said and Chris laughed. I started getting him ready for the scene after I looked at the schedule to what he will be filming.

"So what time are you off tonight?" I asked Chris as I worked.

"Should be by 7pm." Chris said.

"Okay so I get off before you at 6pm. What do you want me to order in?" I asked and she shook his head.

"I got food covered and I will bring it over. You get to pick the movie." Chris said and I smiled.

"Can it be a horror movie?" I asked and he nodded.

"Any chance I get to get you close to me." Chris said and I smiled.

"You can be so cheesy sometimes." I said and Chris laughed.

"I try." Chris said and I rolled my eyes. I finished his make up and started to fix his hair.

"Okay all done." I said and he sighed.

"You had to work fast didn't you?" Chris asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Sorry sir, I have a schedule to follow as well." I said and he groaned.

"Sir huh...I like that..." Chris said and instantly clenched my legs tighter since I was started to pool between my legs.

"Get out of here." I said and Chris shook his head.

"Not without a kiss." Chris said.

"First of all, Mr. Evans, you snuck attack me with the last one. Nothing said I wanted you to kiss me." I said and he smiled moving closer to me and pining me against the trailer wall.

"First of all I believe you told me why hold back. I also think your moan and kissing me back was a good indication Jessa." Chris said and I smiled as he leaned in and his lips connected with mine again and I smiled in the small kiss. Once we broke apart he place his forehead on mine.

"A little late to ask but we aren't moving too fast are we?" Chris asked and I laughed as he pulled away.

"Chris, it may be fast I mean I just ran back into you but I don't think there is a reason to deny the attraction we have both held for a year." I said and Chris smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I would never force you into anything." Chris said. I placed my hand on his cheek and played a little with his beard.

"I would never let you, I would for sure kick you where it would hurt your chances of having children later." I said and he laughed.

"Noted." Chris said and I heard someone outside the trailer.

"Chris! We need you." She said coming in but Chris and I had already separated.

"Thanks again Jessa." Chris said shooting me a wink.

"Just doing my job." I said and Chris smiled leaving the trailer. I was cleaning up everything when I got a text.

CHRIS: See you tonight Jessa. Maybe pick up where we left off.

JESSA: So confident Evans...

CHRIS: 😉 😘

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