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I woke up the next morning and was getting in the shower when my cellphone when off with a text message. I opened it to see a picture of Chris with a towel wrapped around his waist.

CHRIS: Can't get you and your body out of my mind.

JESSA: Mr. Evans are you trying to flirt with me through text message?

CHRIS: What if I wanted to come to your place before I went to set?

JESSA: I would say you're crazy because I'm the opposite way of set and I'm not even dressed, I'm standing here naked in my bathroom.

I knew what I was doing to him by saying that.

CHRIS: Fuck Jessa....

JESSA: How about when we both get to set I sneak to your trailer....

CHRIS: Really?! Don't tease.

JESSA: Never, I will see you in your trailer 😉. Now let me go shower Evans.

I put my phone down and quickly got in the shower. He was driving me crazy. I finished my shower and got ready to go to set. Once I arrived and parked I saw Chris's car and got excited knowing I just needed to get to his trailer and everything would be okay. As I walked onto set I was stopped by someone from set.

"Hey, staff meeting in 5 minutes. Everyone has to attend." She said and I nodded.

"Where at?" I asked.

"Building." She said and I knew where she meant. It was a warehouse style of thing we were using to film some scenes. I walked to set and saw Chris standing off to the side so I went and joined him making it look casual.

"Hey." I said and he smiled down at me.

"Hey you." Chris said and I smiled.

"What is all of this about?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I have no clue. I got here like 10 minutes ago and was brought in here." Chris said and I sighed.

"You don't think....?" I asked and Chris shrugged his shoulders. After about 5 minutes the director of the film and a producer walking in front of everyone.

"We know this was an uncalled meeting and we know everyone wants to get back to work but we thought we should make a couple of announcements since somethings have been going around." The producer said and I felt Chris lock his pinky in my mine to not make it obvious.

"We wanted to make it known that we don't want any drama between cast and crew and we would like it if you could keep personal matters and lives separate from work which means no fraternizing or dating." The producer said and I looked at Chris. Chris sighed and looked at the ground.

"What do we do?" I whispered and he let go off my pinky not doing anything and I sighed. crossing my arms. The producer laid down a couple more rules I only half heard since I didn't care to be there anymore. Once the meeting was released I rushed out.

"Jessa..." Chris said as I walked away. I walked into the make up trailer and realized I was by myself again. I then had an itinerary sitting on my station and I saw that the other make up artist was called away on another job and I would be the only one working for a while. I then was looking at how they planned out the schedule since it was just me and I sighed seeing Chris would be last. As the morning went by I was getting everyone ready. As I finished working on someone Chris came walking in and I sighed.

"Take a seat Mr. Evans." I said as I washed my hands since I had make up on my hands from the previous person.

"Jessa..." Chris said and I ignored him as I walked over to him and started getting everything set up after I read what scene was being filmed. I stood in front of Chris and he sighed placed his hands on my hips and pulling me between his legs when he opened them.

"Jessa, listen to me...please." Chris said and I looked him in the eyes.

"I'm going to try and fix this okay? I will talk to someone." Chris said and I just sighed.

"We were barely touching at the meeting and you instantly let me go with he mentioned dating. That hurt Chris. After being with me last night then wanting to spend this weekend together, I just don't know what's going to happen. I mean the shoot is about 3-4 months. I guess we just wait." I said and Chris groaned pulling me into his lap.

"No, I won't be waiting. I waited a year already just to find you again. I want you in my life Jessa, I need you in my life. I will fix this and make it right." Chris said and placed a hand on my back of my neck and pulled me into passionately kissed him. We sat making out for a few minutes and then broke apart.

"This weekend is still happening, I promise you." Chris said and I nodded.

"I trust you Chris." I said and he smiled as I gave him another kiss.

"I have to get to work now and I cant do your make up from your lap." I said and he laughed as I got up and started working but whenever I stood between his legs his hands were always on my hips.

"You know if someone walked in here, your hands will be hard to explain." I said with a smiled and he laughed.

"I'm making sure you're steady." Chris said and I shook my head as he smiled at me. I put the finishing touches on him and stepped back.

"All done, now go work." I said and Chris laughed.

"God, so demanding." Chris said and stood up. I grabbed him by the neck of his shirt and pulled him down to me and brushed my lips on his.

"You know you love it." I said and gently bit his bottom lip then let him go. He groaned as he stood up and glared at me.

"Meany." Chris said and I winked at him.

"See you later." I said with a wink, Chris nodded and walked out.

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I was finished for the day and as I was cleaning up my cellphone went off.

CHRIS: Hey can you come to my trailer?

JESSA: Chris....

CHRIS: Please...I need to talk to you.

JESSA: Can't you just come over tonight?

CHRIS: Jessa, come on.

I groaned and grabbed my bag since I was going to be leaving right after whatever Chris wanted. I walked to his trailer not even worried about trying to be secretive for some reason. I knocked once I reached and he opened the door and smiled.

"Come on in." Chris said and I smiled as I walked up the stairs and walked in. Once inside I saw the producer, director and a couple other people.

"We all need to talk." The producer said.

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