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We pulled into the driveway of my parents house and my leg was bouncing, Chris grabbed my hand.

"Why are you nervous love?" Chris asked and I groaned.

"Because of our impromptu Instagram posts this week my parents and sister we shocked." I said and Chris sighed. He leaned over and gave me a small kiss.

"Hey, everything will be fine. They love you and I'm sure you can make them love me." Chris said and I laughed.

"They already love you Chris. They just only know actor you, so Mr. Evans...you best put on your best meet the family act because they will eat you alive if you don't." I said and smiled. He smiled at me as we got out of the car. I knocked on the door since I wanted to give everyone a heads up that we are coming in.

"Hello?!" I called out.

"Aunt Jessa!" Alana called out and ran to me and I hugged her.

"Hey sweetie." I said and then she looked at Chris.

"Hi! I'm Alana." She said and I smiled.

"I'm Chris, it's nice to meet you Alana."

"Where are they Alana?" I asked and she smiled.

"I am supposed to tell you they are all in the backyard but they sent me in as a decoy so they can make sure everything is perfect." Alana said and I laughed and sighed.

"Alana, did grandma pull out the photo albums?" I asked, she laughed and walked away.

"You will not be looking at baby pictures." I said to Chris. He leaned in and gave me a small kiss.

"Sweetie, you will be seeing mine tomorrow, I will see yours tonight." Chris said and sighed. I took his hand and we walked through the house to the back patio door.

"Hey." I said and they all turned to look at me and I could tell they were all trying to contain their excitement. "Please act normal for the love of god." I said and they just smiled at me.

"Well...are you going to do introductions?" My dad asked and I sighed.

"If I must...." I said and I started pointing to people. "This is my dad Daniel, my mom Caitlyn, my sister Flora, brother-in-law Cody and you met Alana." I said Chris shook all of their hands.

"Nice to meet all of you. These are for you." Chris said handing a bouquet of flowers to my mom, I smiled since he insisted on the flowers. "And this is for you." Chris said handing my dad his favorite brand of whiskey which happened to be Chris' as well.

"Well he is an A plus in my book." Daniel said and we all laughed.

"Well you have won over dad." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Chris, why don't we crack this open and us guys hang out here and grill." Daniel said and I shook my head.

"What us girls aren't invited?" I asked and Daniel shook his head.

"No because we will be talking about all of you." Cody said and I shook my head.

"You going to be okay?" I whispered to Chris and he leaned down giving me a small kiss.

"Perfect." Chris said and I smiled. My mom reappeared with glasses and ice for the guys.

"Have fun." Flora said as we all walked into the kitchen and started working on the side dishes.

*****OUTSIDE POV*****

Once drinks were poured and food was on the grill Daniel looked at Chris.

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