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The movie was only 2 weeks away from being wrapped up. Chris and I had planned the reception party to let everyone know we were married and we were so excited. I was leaving his bathroom in his trailer holding the pregnancy test in my hand waiting for the results. Once we got back from the weekend away, I noticed I hadn't had a period in about 3 months, possibly closer to 4. I sat at the table and just waited for the results.

JESSA: Hey, I just finished taking the test. Can you come to the trailer?

CHRIS: Yeah, just went on lunch break so I'm on my way.

I smiled knowing this is what Chris and I wanted and I knew he was trying like crazy to get me pregnant since the wedding but then I realized once we got back that it was a possibility that I already was. On the way to set that morning we picked up a test and I knew to take it around Chris's lunch time. The trailer door opened and I smiled until I saw who it was.

"Megan..." I said. She gave a small smile upon seeing me until she saw the test in my hand and the box it came in on the table.

"What the fuck is that Jessa?!" Megan freaked out. I just looked at her surprised.

"You have a kid, you know what it is." I said and she groaned.

"How long?!" Megan asked.

"3 maybe 4 months...if it's positive." I said and she groaned.

"Were you going to tell Chris at all?" Megan asked as the trailer door opened again.

"Megan?!" Chris said shocked seeing her.

"Yeah, why is everyone surprised seeing me?! I'm your manager! What the hell is going on Jessa?! Are you trying to trap him?!" Megan yelled.

"Hey woah!" Chris yelled. Megan looked at Chris. "She isn't trying to trap me!" Chris said pissed.

"Do you know what that is she is holding?" Megan asked and Chris sat next to me.

"Yes, I do! I was with her when she bought it this morning." Chris said and Megan groaned.

"Chris, this is bad..." Megan said.

"First of all, no its not and second of all I don't even know it's positive yet." I said annoyed.

"Megan, if me and my wife want to have a baby, we will have a baby." Chris said. I whipped my head to look at him and Megan looked at him in shock.

"Wife?! What are you talking about?!" Megan asked. Chris pulled a wedding picture up on his phone and showed her. "When was this?!" Megan asked.

"Last month, at the beach house." Chris said and I smiled and put my ring on. Megan just groaned.

"So it's all official?" Megan asked and we nodded.

"The party we are throwing this month is a wedding reception." Chris said and Megan sighed. She didn't know what else to say.

"Well...I hope you both know what you are getting in to. People are going to flip out." Megan said.

"We know but this was for us, no one else." Chris said and I smiled.

"I came in here to talk to you to about the job you wanted Jessa to have as your make-up artist on the road." Megan said and I smiled.

"I would love to!" I said excited and Chris kissed my cheek.

"Well, I have the contract." She said setting it on the table. I sighed and looked at Chris.

"Before I sign that...." I said and looked at the test.

"I'll give you two a minute." Megan said and walked out. Once she was gone, I took Chris's hand.

"You ready?" I asked and Chris nodded as I picked up the test and we both looked at it.


Chris and I wore what we wore to the wedding to the party and everyone smiled when we walked in. It was at Chris's house and everyone was excited to see us and find out why they were all here.

"So, my brother won't tell me, but I know you will...what the hell is going on?" Scott asked and I shook my head.

"Why do you think I will tell you if he won't?" I asked.

"Because you love me more than he does." Scott said and I shook my head.

"I do, but I'm not saying." I said and Scott groaned.

"I'm telling Ma." Scott said.

"Go ahead!" I said and he walked over to Lisa.

"No! Scott!" I said and he laughed as we reached Lisa. Before he could say anything to Lisa Chris came over to me.

"I think it's time Chris. Scott is about to tell your Ma I'm being mean." I said and Chris laughed and nodded.

"Okay, okay everyone!" Chris announced to the room full of people. Mostly family but some friends even some Marvel people Chris was still in touch with who he would know would want to be there. Chris slipped me the ring and I snuck it on and Chris put on his wedding band we bought him We stood in front of everyone.

"Okay so we asked everyone to come here as a wrap party from me filming but there is more to it than that." Chris said and I smiled.

"Chris and I have made some changes in our life and we wanted everyone to be in on the plans now." I said and everyone looked confused and I smiled at Chris.

"Well first change we made was about a month and a half ago Jessa and I bought a beach house that is our own personal get away when we need to with Dodger and just be us. Well with buying this beach house we also decided it was time and we got married. Jessa and I are now officially Mr. and Mrs. Evans!" Chris said and everyone cheered and Lisa and my mom Caitlyn ran up to hug us. Once they hugged us Chris held Lisa by his side and I held my mom by mine. Chris looked at me and I smiled.

"Now...next change...Not only are Chris and I now Mr. and Mrs. Evans....we also will have the title of mom and dad. I'm pregnant!" I said and everyone cheered louder and out moms attacked us with hugs again. Then the rest of both of our families joined in the hugs.

"Okay that isn't it!" Chris announced over everyone in our family freaking out.

"What else could there be?!" Scott asked and I smiled at him.

"We know the gender of the baby...." I said and everyone freaked out.

"This is why we wouldn't let you all see the backyard. We decorated it in the color of what the gender is." Chris said and we headed to the back doors where we had put up curtains so no one could see but we opened the doors and everyone walked out and freaked out excited. 

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