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After my talk with Megan I was sitting in the make up trailer trying to hold off the tears of what she just revealed to me. I pulled out my cellphone and text the producers in our production crew and cast group text.

JESSA: Hey sorry guys to do this but I called in a replacement already. I'm not feeling the best so I'm heading home.

RUSS: Okay, feel better. Take the weekend and get better.

JESSA: See you Monday.

I put my phone in my purse and packed everything up and headed to my car.

"Jessa!" I heard Chris yell coming off of set. I quickly got in my car and drove off before he could reach me. I left it up to Megan to talk to him, I didn't want to be the one to break this news to him.

*****CHRIS POV*****

I was on set when I was told about the message in the group text stating that Jessa was sick and going home. I knew she had just been fine when we saw each other in my trailer. I left my phone in my trailer so I needed to go get it. As I was walking to my trailer I saw Jessa heading to her car.

"Jessa!" I called out her name. I knew she heard me but she ignored me, quickly getting in her car and driving away. I was confused by this and why she was running from me. I made it to my trailer and went to grab my phone.

"Hey, we need to talk." Megan said and I sighed.

"I have to call Jessa, give me a few minutes." I said and Megan groaned.

"It's about Jessa." Megan said and I stopped and looked at Megan.

"What about Jessa?" I asked.

"Chris...I told her to back off from you."

"What?! Why?!" I asked.

"Me and the producers had a meeting this morning and since the actress with you isn't well known we think it would be a good idea if you were seen around town with her. Holding hands, taking Dodger out for walks, going out to eat. Just for a few weeks." Megan said and I huffed a laugh.

"You're joking..." I said and Megan sighed.

"I'm not Chris." Megan said and I shook my head.

"Nope, not doing it sorry. I wont do that to Jessa and I wont be used." I said.

"Chris...this is a big thing." Megan said. I saw red.

"I don't give a fuck Megan! Is this way Jessa left set early?! She doesn't want to see me because of you telling her this?! What is wrong with you?! You know how important this weekend was to the both of us! I can't do this to her, I wont do this to her!" I said raising my voice as I went on. I then huffed a laugh.

"You better hope I can fix this with her and get everything straighten out. If not, it's your job on the line. You have been the best manager I have ever had but right now I cant even believe you work for me and would try to ruin my happiness." I said and Megan sighed.

"I will go tell the producers no deal on the fake relationship." Megan said and left the trailer while I tried calling Jessa a few times to no answer. I then text her.

CHRIS: Jessa please answer you phone. I know what Megan told you, I'm going forward with that plan Jessa. I love you and nothing is going to stop me from being with you.

She wasn't answering me back. I needed to prove to her she was it for me. I would usually go through Megan do to what I was about to do but I didn't want Megan in my personal life anymore. I went on Instagram and made a post. I posted tons of pictures that Jessa and I had taken together. Some from vacation, some here in Boston. My favorite one being the one in out Boston hats just out on a hike with Dodger, then sighed making the actual post.

I am so happy and in love with this girl and I can't imagine my life without her. I love you J.W. You are my everything.

I only used her initials and didn't tag her in the post, she could made her own decision on what she wanted to do. I sighed when I hit post knowing a lot of things would start to go crazy. I then screen shot it and sent it to Jessa.

CHRIS: I need you to know I'm serious. I love you and nothing will change that. I will be done filming soon and then I'm on the way to your house.

After a few minutes Megan came into the trailer and looked at me.

"So you made it official?" Megan questioned.

"I did and I don't care anymore. I'm done hiding her." I said and Megan sighed.

"Just hope she is ready for all of this." Megan said and I sighed with a nod.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I was sitting in my living room once I got home and my phone had been going off on my whole drive and I was confused on what was going on. I knew Chris would be trying to get a hold of me and I sighed. I pulled my phone from my purse and sat on the couch.

CHRIS: Jessa please answer you phone. I know what Megan told you, I'm going forward with that plan Jessa. I love you and nothing is stopping me from being with you.

I just sighed knowing he was telling the truth, I could feel his love through text message. As I was about to text him back my cellphone rang and it was my sister.

"Hey, can I call you back in a minute?" I asked.

"So you were just hoping to surprise us this weekend at dinner?!" Flora said and I was confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Chris Evans!! Jessa!! You are dating Chris Evans and didn't tell us?!" Flora said.

"How do you know?"

"Have you not seen Instagram?!" Flora asked.

"No, I just got home from work." I said and put her on speaker phone and then opened up Instagram and instantly I saw Chris's post with pictures of us that made me smile and then I saw the caption.

I am so happy and in love with this girl and I can't imagine my life without her. I love you J.W. You are my everything.

"Oh Evans..." I groaned and took my sister off speaker phone after I liked the post.

"So you were going to spring him on us the weekend?" Flora asked.

"Yes, Flora I was. It was the best way. To be completely honest I didn't even know he was doing this. I need to go call him." I said and Flora sighed.

"Fine, call me later." Flora said.

"I'll just see you tomorrow. You can interrogate me then." I said and hung up. I dialed Chris's number and it rang and went to his voicemail so I knew he was on set. I hung up and was about to text Chris and decided to do something. I found all my favorite photos of Chris and I were shockingly different from all the one he picked.

Didn't know we were announcing this now but I love the sneak attack Evans. I love you more than words can say and you are my everything. I am so grateful for meeting you when I did, just had to make you wait for me. Thank you for being you and being part of my world.

I tagged Chris in the post she he could see it and other's could too. I posted the post and sighed unsure of where this would take me with him and his fanbase but I knew as long as I had Chris it didn't matter. I curled up on my couch and turned on a movie just wanting knowing Chris would be coming over after work. I few hours later I heard my front door opening and I smiled knowing it was Chris. I pretended to be asleep and he walked in. I felt him walk over to me and he placed his lips to mine gently and I fluttered my eyes open and looked at him.

"There she is. My amazing girlfriend." Chris said and I smiled.

"I love you." I said to Chris.

"And I love you, it's only you for me." Chris said and passionately kissed me.

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