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It was Friday on set when a producer's assistant came into the make-up trailer.

"Hey, can you go to Chris's trailer and take the body cover up?" She asked and I nodded figuring he needed his arm tattoos covered up. I grabbed everything I needed and headed to his trailer. I knocked and he opened the door.

"Hey, you need something covered up?" I asked and he smiled as took off his shirt. I just smiled and semi blushed.

"Yes, I have seen you without your shirt Evans...doesn't shock me anymore." I said and he laughed and walked up to me and put his body against and I felt my heart rate quicken and my breath hitch as he leaned closer to my face and I placed my hands on his chest.

"Really? Because your racing heartbeat and breath quickening seem to make me think it still does something for you." Chris said and leaned in passionately kissing me and I moaned.

"Pretty sure I proved that over and over last night that it did." I said once we broke apart and Chris groaned as he put his lips on my neck.

"Chris...I'm here to work and cover up the tattoos." I said and he moaned against my neck and I groaned as he lifted me and put me on the table in the trailer. I hated that I wore a skirt today, too easy of access. I reached between Chris and I and started to undo his jeans as he was bunching up my skirt.

"You are a jerk today." I whispered as his lips moved back to mine.

"Shush." Chris whispered against my lips and he moved my panties to the side. As I was about to pull him from his boxers the trailer door opened and we looked seeing a producer standing there.

"Fuck." I muttered and he just shook his head.

"Chris...Jessa..." He said and turned around as we fixed our clothing.

"What's up Russ?" Chris asked.

"Was just wondering how soon you we will have the tattoos covered up?" Russ asked and I groaned.

"Um...not long probably like 20 minutes." I said and he nodded.

"With or without the activities that were just happening?" He asked and I sighed and looked at Chris.

"Without." I said.

"We talking about this guys. Behave." Russ said and walked out. I put my head in my hands and Chris sighed wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm fired...I will be fired by the end of the day." I said and Chris shook his head.

"I'll talk to him Jessa. Everything will be fine. You get to keep your job and then this weekend we do the meeting the families tour." Chris said and I smiled. Chris and I had decided to meet each other's families the same weekend. My family on Saturday and then his family on Sunday. Once he released me from his hold and I sighed looking at him still shirtless.

"So why are you shirtless in the upcoming scene?" I asked and he didn't say anything. "Chris?"

"Love scene." Chris said and I sighed.

"Right, I forgot I saw that on the script." I said and Chris placed a hand under my chin to look at him as I was getting the makeup ready.

"Hey, it's just acting and I only really want you." Chris said and I smiled as he pushed me against the table again kissing me. He reached back breaking our kiss and locking the trailer door.

"Excuse me." I asked and he shook his head.

"I need you, no interruptions." Chris said and I gave a small giggle as I started undoing his jeans again and he reached under my skirt and took my panties fully off. Once he was out of his jean he pulled me to the edge of the table and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he shoved in me.

"Fuck!" I cried out and Chris took a hand and placed it over my mouth.

"You must be quiet my love." Chris whispered in my ear and I nodded and he released his hand from my mouth and crashed his lips to mine as he kept thrusting. I heard him grunting as he thrusted and I couldn't catching my breath, this was so hot and we had never even thought about being this bold and doing this in his trailer. Chris started thrusting faster and harder and I knew it was because of time but I was fine because I was already about to reach the edge. Chris groaned when he felt me clench around him.

"I want it all Chris, everything." I said and he growled and went deeper and he then throbbed, swelling inside of me and released. Once we both released I placed my forehead on his shoulder and he turned and kissed the side of my head.

"You and your dick are going to be the death of me Evans." I chuckled and he laughed.

"Not the worst way to go." Chris said and I shook my head as I put my panties back off after I got cleaned up. Once all clothes were fixed I started doing my job. I stayed sitting on the table and Chris stood in front of me so I could start covering up his tattoos.

"This makes me sad." I said and he chuckled.

"I will shower after we film." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"Good." I said and he smiled and placed a gentle kiss on my lips as I was working in his chest tattoo. Once we broke apart I just sighed.

"What?" Chris asked and I just shook my head with a smile.

"Just happy Evans, really happy." I said and he smiled.

"Me too." Chris said and I then I gave him my puppy dog eyes.

"When can we go back to our hide away?" I asked and he placed a hand on my cheek.

"I promise you, very soon." Chris said and looked down at my necklace.

"Does the place we stayed accept dogs?" Chris asked.

"I think so. You want to take Dodger with us when we go again?" I asked excited and he nodded.

"Why not?" Chris said and I smiled.

"Sounds perfect." I said and Chris nodded. I was finishing up with his chest tattoos and made him turn so I could do it his one arm when there was a knock on his trailer door once someone tried to come in. Chris reached and unlocked his door and Megan walked in.

"They are needing you on set. Are you done?" Megan asked and I sighed.

"Once more to cover." I said and she groaned.

"What is taking so long?" Megan asked and I looked at Chris.

"This man is obsessed with tattoos." I said and Chris smiled at me giving me a small wink. Once I finished I took a baby wipe and cleaned off my hands from the makeup.

"All done, go film a love scene." I said and Chris sighed and gave me another small kiss even with a groan from Megan. Chris put on his t-shirt and left the trailer. I went to leave and Megan stopped me.

"I need to talk to you." Megan said and I sighed.

"What Megan?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"I need you to cool it with Chris and break everything off with him." Megan said.

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