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Chris and I were in the car with Dodger since I made sure the hotel could take dogs and we were on our way to our own little private getaway to Falmouth again. This was going to be our place. Once we made it into town Chris drove past the hotel.

"Chris!" I said pointing as we went past and he just smiled at me..

"I have something I want to show you first. We got time to check in." Chris said and I nodded. Once we arrived at a beach house I looked at him oddly when I saw a for sale sign in front of it and then a sold sticker on the sign.

 Once we arrived at a beach house I looked at him oddly when I saw a for sale sign in front of it and then a sold sticker on the sign

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"Chris...." I said suspiciously.

"We said we wanted this town to be wherever we went when we wanted to get away from everyone and everything." Chris said and I smiled as we got out of the car and Dodger ran directly up to the door. Chris got the bags from the trunk and tossed me the small keyring with the house key.

"Go let Dodger inside." Chris said and I nodded. I walked up to the door and he was waiting impatiently wagging his tale.

"You want to go in bubba?!" I asked and he barked. I gave a small laugh and unlocked the door for him and he ran in and started exploring everything. I was about to walk in when Chris walked up on the porch, set the bags down, scooped me up and I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him once we stepped foot in the house.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he smiled.

"Well...carrying my girlfriend over the threshold." Chris said and I rolled my eyes.

"You do that with a bride when you get married Mr. Evans." I said and he shrugged but didn't put me down. He walked to the back door and opened it while holding me and there was a small deck that was right on the beach.

"Oh Chris." I breathed out a gasp and he put me down but wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. We were looking out at the beach and sighed.

"This is perfect. I couldn't help but noticed it was already furnished." I said and Chris nodded. "Wait...has this been the secret project you have been working on for a week?!" I asked shocked turning to look at him and he smiled. "You bought a house and furniture?!" I asked and he nodded.

"Are you mad? I tried to get a mix of your style and mine." Chris said and I shook my head.

"I didn't see much as you whisked me through the house but it looks amazing. Why don't you show me around the house though." I said and Chris nodded.

"Dodger!" I yelled since he was out exploring. He ran in the house and Chris showed him where his bed was and I smiled. Chris took my hand and we walked through the house he got to one bedroom and I saw it was empty.

"Spare room." I said and Chris smiled.

"Or for a kid or two eventually." Chris said and leaned down passionately kissing me and I moaned.

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