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I was sitting in my place when I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Chris. I rushed to the door and opened it to find him standing there with a bottle of wine and a bag of food.

"Come on in." I said stepping aside. As he went to walk past me he leaned in and kissed me.

"Welcome to my house." I said and Chris smiled and set the food on the coffee table with the wine.

"Do you want to chill that before dinner? We can put dinner on warm in the oven and the wine in the fridge for a few minutes?" I asked and he smiled.

"Sounds good to me." Chris said as we walked into the kitchen and he brought in everything. He took the containers from the bag and I saw chicken parmesan and I smiled.

"How did you know that was my favorite?" I asked and Chris smiled.

"I guessed because this place has the best." Chris said and I nodded as I took the wine and put it in the fridge.

"Well while we wait, why don't I give you the tour of the house? I mean it's not much." I said and Chris smiled and nodded as I took his hand and lead him through my house and then for the last room we got to my bedroom. I opened the door and Chris smiled and instantly took over and pushed me inside a I giggled. He was passionately kissing me as we closed the door and he pinned me against it.

"Jessa...I want you." Chris said our lips barely apart and I smiled.

"I need you." I said and Chris growled. His lips crashed to mine only breaking apart long enough to get our shirts off.

"Holy tattoos Captain America!" I said and we both laughed as I ran my hand over his chest and the tattoos down to his torso.

"Are you okay dating a guy with tattoos?" Chris asked.

"I find them incredibly sexy." I said. He crashed his lips to mine again. We fell on the bed with Chris hovering over me. He just looked at me for a minute.

"Stage fright Mr. Evans?" I asked and he groaned but smiled.

"Nope just amazed at how beautiful you were and so happy we are here." Chris said and I smiled and I leaned up and kissed him again.

"Sorry I disappeared a year ago." I said and he gave a small nod.

"As you should be." Chris said and I laughed.

"Wow..." I said and Chris shook his head.

"This is the way it was meant to be." Chris said and I nodded. He leaned down and went straight for my neck and started kissing. I moaned as he moved down my body, lifting me up to his lap and unhooking my bra and tossing it to the floor. I smiled as my chest crashed to his and I started grinding on him as he threw his head back. Chris laid me down and started to undo my jeans and I wiggle out of them and he smiled as he took off my panties. He got off the bed and started with his pants and I moaned when I finally saw him, he was bigger than I ever anticipated and he saw me staring.

"You okay?" Chris asked and we laughed.

"Ready and waiting for you." I said and Chris smiled as he crawled back on the bed to hover over me. I smiled seeing Chris still wearing his necklace he always had on, I grabbed the chain and pulled him down to passionately kiss me as the ran the tip of his cock up and down my slit.

"Please Chris..." I begged as we barely broke apart. He lifted a leg of mine at my knee and thrust into me. I cried out and threw my head back and Chris attacked my exposed neck as he kept thrusting and he felt so good. I finally wrapped my legs around him and pushed him in deeper and he grunted.

"Jesus Jessa." Chris growled.

"I want all of you." I said and he repositioned us and pulled me up in his lap and I pushed myself all the way down on him until I was very well aware he was all the way in.

"Fuck..." He groaned and I started moving on him as I wrapped my arms around his neck and was able to use that as leverage to help me move. I felt his arms wrap around me and I hold me closer. As I moved I felt myself tighten around him and he groaned feeling it too. We didn't say anything I just started moving on him faster and harder as I felt him twitch and we both released at the same time. Once I released I leaned my forehead against Chris' and we were breathing heavy. Chris laid me down and I smiled as he kissed the tip of my nose and then laid beside me.

"Well, that happened." I said as we laid there catching our breath. Chris looked at me and I smiled at him.

"So glad it did." I reassured him seeing the concern etched in his face.

"I mean it was bound to happen soon anyways." Chris said and I nodded.

"I know you find me irresistible." I said and Chris laughed but nodded.

"So irresistible." Chris said rolling over to me and passionately kissing me. He placed a hand on my cheek and then carded his fingers through my hair.

"Chris, will this be a problem on set?" I asked and she sighed.

"I don't know but we can cross that bridge when we come to it if it is. I don't want this to be a one-time thing Jessa. This has been a year in the making." Chris said and I kissed him again.

"A long ass year." I said and he laughed.

"Listen, why don't I go get the food and the wine from the kitchen, you put on some pj's and we have dinner and a movie in here?" Chris asked and I smiled with a nod.

"Sounds wonderful." I said and Chris got up putting on his boxers and t-shirt and I put on some shorts and tank top. Once Chris got back we sat up and ate dinner, drank wine and watched some movies. After the 3rd movie Chris sighed and looked down at me where my head was cuddled on his chest as we laid against the headboard.

"I should go." Chris said and I gripped him tighter.

"Can't you stay?" I asked and he sighed.

"I would love to but we have work tomorrow and I have Dodger at home alone." Chris said and I knew he meant his dog and I smiled.

"Okay, let me walk you out." I said. He got up and got dressed and we headed to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Chris said and I nodded as he leaned down and kissed me.

"Tomorrow." I said and Chris smiled and I watched him walk to his car. I closed the door and sighed placing my forehead on it.

"I have fallen too hard." I moaned.

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