Chapter 23: Graduation

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Of course, we're running late. I really don't know what else I expected from us. We can barely be on time with just a few of us, let alone an entire zoo. There is only ten minutes until the ceremony. Luffy and I are going to have to run if we want to make it to our seats on time. I'm so nervous. I swear I'm gonna trip and fall. To make it worse, everyone is gonna be paying extra attention to me because of the damn dress. Ace told everyone about it and refused to let anyone see it this morning.

I tried to tell him I'd be wearing a robe during the ceremony so they won't see it until after when we take pictures but he wouldn't listen.

He wrapped a blanket around me this morning when we were around everyone so that they wouldn't see my dress. I don't know why, since I was already wearing the robe. When we arrived and got out of the truck he made everyone go on ahead of us and he placed his hat on my head before we departed

Finally, Luffy and I made it to the stadium where the ceremony was being held and we got into our chairs as we got a ton of dirty looks from people.

Well, I may not have fallen, but I'm already embarrassed. Being late and having to run in front of the audience to get into my seat. I wish I could just disappear.

After waiting for a few minutes, the ceremony started. I was fighting myself to stay awake so I wasn't really paying attention to everyone's speeches. All I knew is that they were taking too damn long.

Finally, it was time to walk across the stage and I couldn't stop shaking. Sadly, I had no friends other than Luffy to talk to, and even then, Luffy was too far ahead of me in line.

Everyone's names were called out one by one as they walked across the stage, shaking a bunch of people's hands, and getting their diplomas. I made sure to watch everyone who went up before me carefully so I could be prepared and know what to do.

Like a dumbass, I zoned out, so when they called my name, my heart stopped. I panicked before making my way up the stage stairs making sure to breathe.

I blinked and suddenly I was in the middle of the stage grabbing my diploma from the principal while shaking their hand. Quickly I looked into the crowd and spotted my family, and somehow Ace got everyone seats in the front like he promised.

With another blink, I was back in my seat. What just happened? Did I pass out or something? I mean, I have my diploma in my hand and everything seems normal. At least the worst part is over. Well, I still have to deal with everyone seeing my dress. Damn it, Ace, why did you have to hype me up?

After what felt like ages the ceremony was over. I stood up and instantly someone jumped on me, almost knocking me over.

"Careful you moron. If you break (y/n), I'll break you Luffy." Ace said after appearing out of nowhere. "Why are you wearing that? I was excited for everyone to see your dress when you were walking."

"I tried to tell you I would be wearing this over my dress. Have you never been to a graduation ceremony before?"

"Yea, I've been to a few. Why?" He responded with a confused look on his face, leaving me dumbfounded.

"We should probably get off the field and meet up with everyone else," I say to change the subject. Everyone was told to meet up by the side of the main building since it has nice scenery and was out of other people's way, considering there are a lot of us.

Ace, Luffy, and I started walking that way until I noticed my Dad waiting for us by the field entrance.

"Everyone else has gone up ahead. I just wanted to stay behind to say congratulations to you two. Now (y/n), take your robe off." Shanks said excitedly.

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