Stupid hoe

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As I was walking down the haul with felix and talking about the new twice comeback. Someone made me stumble.

"Watch where are you going nerd" Minho says and laughs
"Ha ha very funny stupid ass hoe" jisung replied annoyed
"Who do you think you called hoe stupid" said the brunette and got closer to the squirrel like guy with eyes full of anger
"So you don't mind me calling you stupid. That's nice StuPiD Bitch"

The blond respond with a smile on his face satisfied with his answer. And before a fight start the bell rang. Felix took jisung and went to their first class that they shared.

"Haven't you got bored ,arguing with Minho all the time?" Felix asked
"He started it" the other said

Before Felix could say anything they went into the classroom and sat waiting for the teacher to come.

"Oh shit. Maths. Another boring lesson." Jisung thought as the teacher got in and start the lesson.

After some years as jisung thought it was. The bell rang and it was finally lunch time. After a lot of boring classes he would be able to eat. He was hungry as hell.

He met Felix and seungmin as he was walking to the cafeteria and they started talking about the boring classes that the weren't shared together.

After they arrived at the cafeteria they got their food and went over the table that jeongin was sitting.

"Hello hello hello jeongin" Felix said energetic as alway and they sat down.
"Oh hi guys" the younger answered and they started talking about different topics.

That was until their conversation about their classmates asses got interrupted by girls screaming and fangirling over a specific group of people that just got in the cafeteria.

Yes Minho and his friends are popular at our school because of their "beauty" and shit like that. Okay I admit they are hot but annoying.
I looked over to felix who was taking glances over the pizza head boy. I smirk and whisper to his ear.

" someone is whipped for the pizza head boy over there"
" what the hell? No I'm not whipped. And just for you to know his name is changbin" the freckle boy answered while he was blushing
"Yeah yeah whatever you say"


So this was the first part. I hope you like it. Write your opinions on the comments. See you on the next chapter.
Love ya ❤️

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