oh god not with him

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Two weeks went by really fast. That was just what minho though.

He have seen the weird attitude of jisung but doesn't know what is happening. The squirrel like boy have been ignoring him and when they are all together he tens to be quite something unusual for the boy.

Most of the times they would argue and fight or they will probably call each other 'stupid hoe' or 'nerd' but now nothing. He started worried but push it away.

"No I won't worry about him. He is nothing to me" he kept telling to himself.

The others have seen the sudden change too but didn't question it. Bangchan knew what was happening because jisung opened up to him a few days after he told Felix. He says everything to him. Actually everyone trust and say everything to bangchan.

Today was the day of the trip. Everyone was really excited for this day. Felix slept at jisuns last night so they could get to school together. They met with seungmin at the big gates of the school and walked inside while talking about what they are gonna do first.

Not a long after they saw bangchan, jeongin,hyynjin, changbin and minho. The past two weeks they became closer with the other "group" so they walked up to them.

"G'day mate!" Felix said to his cousin.

"G'day" the other smiled

"I was waiting for this day since forever!" Jeongin said excited

"Yeah me too" jisung added

Minho turned his gaze to the speaking boy and met his eyes. His brown eyes were sparkling like the sky at night. He got lost in them and wanted to watch these beautiful eyes forever. He broke the eye contact by shaking his head and thoughts turning to the conversation.

"So who said how we are going? Like the rooms" changbin asked.

"I went and we got like four rooms with two beds each" bangchan said

"Mmm how are we supposed to separate me Felix and jisung." Seungmin was the one to talk taking away his eyes from the book he was reading.

"I actually didn't know how to say the names for the rooms so I ended up choosing changbin and Felix for the first room, you with hyynjin, me and jeongin and Minho with jisung" the oldest stated and scratched the back of his neck.

The others looked at each other not saying a word. Jeongin was really good, being in the same room as bangchan and the same goes for Felix and changbin. These weeks were pretty close and hang out a lot so they were fine. As for hyynjin and seungmin? They stayed quite and lastly jisung and Minho.

Jisung was really happy being in the same room as Minho for a whole week but didn't know how to act or talk to the other. As for Minho, he was really worried about being awkward around the other but he couldn't hide his enthusiasm for what is going to follow these days they will be in Japan.

Silence filled the air but didn't last long because bangchan broke it once again.

"Okay since no one has a word to say about the rooms, let's go to the school buses because at the end they will leave without us" he laughed and started walking with the others.

"Who said we are happy about the rooms" seungmin mumbled

"Why? Does Kim seungmin is afraid to be in the same room as me?" Hyunjin teased.

"Why would I be afraid of you hwang?" Seungmin turned to face hyunjin.

"I don't know princess maybe you will fall for me and get rejected?" He said smirking and raising his eyebrow.

"Princess my ass. I'll never like a playboy like you hwang." He rolled his eyes making his way inside the bus. Good for him the bright shade of red that crossed his cheeks went unnoticed by the others and also hyunjin.

The other boys were watching them teasing each other in silence not wanted to interrupt them. Its been a long since they last saw hyunjin flirting with seungmin and seungmin getting mad at him.

Seungmin wasn't the type of person that he will talk a lot but with hyunjin was different. Even if he answers sassily and angry at hyunjin he still talks a lot when it comes to their arguments.

Hyunjin on the other side was more talkative. Flirty with boys and girls. But when it comes to the other he likes teasing and flirt with him because he gets angry easily. He had stopped flirting or going out with almost every girl and boy. Hr didn't know why but he only wanted seungmins attention which he knew it was hard to get.

They followed seungmin inside the school bus sitting as close as they can to each other waiting for the bus to start for the airport. Bangchan sat with jeongin and in front of them it was jisung and seungmin. On the other side we got Felix who sat with changbin and in front of them hyunjin and Minho.

(Something Luke this:

Bangchan&jeongin.            Felix&changbin
Seungmin & jisung              Minho&hyunjin

I hope I cleared it out)

Small talks started to form between the eight boys as the bus was moving and not a long after jisung fall asleep without knowing that someone was looking at his peaceful sleepy face.

Hello everyone! These days I have a lot of motivation do here is another chapter. I hope everyone is fine and I also hoped you like this chapter. Press the star if you Luke it and tell me your opinions and thoughts.
See ya on the next chapter.
Love ya babes and take care 🍕🐉💧

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