Im embarrassed

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"Wait? Who?" The brunette was now confused. He hadn't seen hyunjin going out with anyone recently except them.

Hyunjin kept like he hadn't heard the questions.

"You know.... It's complicated. I'm not sure yet. I just like being around him and tease him. I hate when he's mad like really mad at me. When I'm around him I just feel..... different I think? Not sure"
He confessed. The older didn't need anything else to understand for who the blond was talking about.


He had seen them together these days. He would tease and piss seungmin off. Or when they were arguing for just simple things like a married couple. He knew that both of them had feelings for each other just from the way they were looking and talking to each other.

And then he released...... he is like that with jisung...

His brain was working feverishly. It felt like he was getting all his memories back from amnesia but those memories were only with jisung. He now knew why he was acting like that towards jisung. It was because he liked him?

Hyunjin noticed how quite Minho got and turned to look at him.
"Jisung" he said and the older snap his head facing hyunjin.

"You like jisung...." Said the blond
"Seungmin?" The older said

Hyunjin turned his gaze to the sea. Small waves forming taking his attention. The silence was loud. Louder than it should actually be.

"So it's really him." Minho broke the silence

The other sighed and nod at the statement.

"I have seen the way you treat him the past few weeks....  Even if you don't understand it you do like him." He kept
"Why were you so frustrated back at the hall? Something must have happened ?" He calmly asked at the end.

The taller got shy and started blushing. First time Minho saw hyunjin in this state. He always got what he wanted. He could have every girl and boy he wanted but no one would see him blush or being shy about something.

He tried to hide his condition but Minho kept.
"First time I see you like someone..."

"....As you know I share room with him"

"Yeah and?" Minho asked still confused to where this was going.


Hyunjin's POV

They gave us our keys to our rooms so I just walking through the halls of the hotel trying to find the number of his room.

He finally reached the room the ,dark brown door, was slightly open so he thought that seungmin was already inside and didn't notice that the door was shut.

He went inside hearing the water fall thinking that seungmin is taking shower.
Not a long after, the water stopped and the bathroom door opened and came out the puppy looking boy. A towel wrapped around his waist and another one drying his hair.

He realised that he wasn't alone and the room and he just stared hyunjin in shock.

My heart stared pounding like crazy and I couldn't do anything. I stared at him back staring slowly to approach him. I couldn't control my body. Now we were only inches apart.

I placed my hand on his and wiped his hair until I got back into my sense and left the room embarrassed and frustrated by his own actions.

That's when he found out his true feelings about the one and only Kim seungmin. The boy who he joked and teased is now the boy who made his heart beat and those "butterflies" in his stomach that all this time he cover it up by saying he was "hungry "

End flashback

The other just chuckled eyeing the taller.

"Bro can't you see you both like each other? It's not that hard"

"Yeah yeah whatever"

Before anyone say another thing chan came running to them.
"I was looking for you guys everywhere... it's time for dinner"

They both looked at each other with a scared look not wanted to face the other too. Chan didn't care at all knowing all the truth about their feelings  he just grabbed both of them and took them to the hotel's restaurant.


Helloooo im back again. I hope you like this story. Here is some hyunmin moments. Press the star if you like it and tell me your opinion in the comments.
Love ya all ❤️

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