First night

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The three of them walked through the hotel's restaurant siting on the table with the others.
It was awkward. No one was talking. Those stares and glances came again. Only felix and changbin were sitting together, talking and smiling.

Jisung was jealous a little. He wanted that. He felt someone's eyes on him. He slowly turned to only see that Minho was looking at him. He couldn't eat. He was just looking the older.

Something similar was happening to the other duo. And with that I mean hyunjin and seungmin.

As for jeongin and bangchan. They were talking about what they are gonna do not caring if the others wanted to be together at the moment.

"Come to our room tonight for drinks" the oldest said catching everyone's attention.
"I can't-..." was about to say the puppy looking boy but got cut off by jeongin this time.

"We don't accept negative answers"

Everyone in the table sighed except the couple, jeongin and of course bangchan.

Time skip

It was almost 11pm (if I'm right) and the boys finally were able to leave their rooms to go to bangchan's.

When everyone was finally on the room they all sat on the bed. Jeongin came from the small kitchen with three bottles of alcohol and sat on the bed too.

"Truth, dare or drink" he smirked.
"You know how the last time ended..." said the squirrel boy.
"Yeah and we don't care" said the oldest.

"It's your turn to ask babe" The other Australian chuckled.

A few rounds have passed and the boys were drinking... A LOT. Changbin had done 7 minutes in heaven with felix. Bangchan said that had a tattoo that no one knew. Seungmin kept drinking. As for minho? He was shirtless....

"Okay ... Mmm... jisung truth or dare?" Changbin said making jisung jump a little.

He was nervous. If he said truth the other might ask him something about his feelings. But on the other hand if he said date they might put him do something... After a small debate with himself he finally answered
"Nice... okay so go sit on minhos lap and kiss him....." he paused for a second "on the neck" changbin smirked

Minho shot his head up. Glaring his best friend. Changbin knew.... He knew minhos soft spot.

Jisung was shocked about the date. He was dizzy from the past drinks and was about to take another one when his twin got in and took the bottle.

He sighed getting up, approaching slowly Minho. They locked eyes. He felt his heart beating as he was sitting on minhos lap.

He turns and look at him. To dizzy and drunk to understand he just kissed softly the others neck. Minho tensed. He hit his soft spot. His only weakness.

The others didn't care and kept going with the game while jisung kept kissing and sucking Minhos neck. He couldn't control his body. Alcohol has got over him as much as Minho. Minho moved jisung head and looked at him in the eyes. Not for too long because his eyes fell on the others lips. He kissed them not caring about anything else.

He finally trully understood his feelings.....

He liked jisung more than he thought.


Omggg hello everyone! Small but I wanted to keep you suspense:) I'm really happy that you like this story so I'll keep writing.... Press the star if you like it and leave a comment with your opinion 🥰
Thank you so much
Love ya ❤️🦋

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