"Am i not special to you?"

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(Here get some hyunmin for clear skin 💅🏻 )

"Flash back"

The day before the amusing park. Around last period the puppy looking boy had physics. His favourite lesson. He was really good at it. Actually he was one of the best students. He really liked to study at the library and spend time studying.

After the lesson when most of the students rush out of the class two were still there. Mr. park called both of them before they leave.

"So seungmin you know you are one of my best students and I know how you want marks so you could pass at the ....(put whatever you want I don't have a name) university and i thought it will be a great idea to tutor hyunjin. Because if he keeps getting these marks he will stay at the same class." He said.

Hyunjin didn't look shocked at all.
"he must have said him that before" seungmin thought.

The teacher was waiting for his answer and the other boy was just looking at him up and down. He smirked and winked at the younger making the smaller to blush a little.

"Okay fine I'll do it" he said fast and embarrassed because of the effect hyunjin did to him just by looking at him. The way his heart was racing and his cheeks turned a light pink colour made him shy. These feeling had a long time to come up and he didn't like that.

The teacher didn't must have noticed be a he just smiled at his students.
" I'm glad you agreed seungmin. Thank you so much. Now you may excuse some but I have to go. Have a good day boys"

Mr park said and left both of the boys at the classroom. Alone. Seungmin was about to leave the classroom when the other opened his mouth to speak.

"Where are you going pretty boy? Aren't you gonna tell me when and where?"

"W-what?" The other turned around, cursing himself for stuttering.
"The tutoring lessons I mean. But.... If you want something else I don't have problem" the taller one said walking towards the cute puppy boy while smirking.

Seungmin invisibly slapped himself and came back to the world called earth.
"I wouldn't want anything from you Hwang. I'm just doing this because I want the marks nothing more nothing less. And if you excuse me now I'll go"

He spated sassily and turned his back, leaving the classroom.

"Rude! Acting hard to get now Kim?" He said playfully running to catch up with the other. He ruffles his hair and smiled.

"YA don't touch my hair only special people can touch them" he said rolling his eyes trying to walk faster.

"Special? Am I not special to you Kim seungmin?" Hyunjin asked serious.

Taking seungmins hand and "throw" him at the  nearest locker. His hands move to the sides of the others head and his eyes looking right into his brown eyes. He moved closer and now if he moved an inch their lips would touch.

Seungmin was shocked but also fighting to put aside the feelings he had for the other a long time ago. He didn't know what to do or say so he stared the black haired boy in front of him.

The time passed for him in slow motion, like the one in movies. He could only adore the others eyes.

"So? Mr Kim" he said mocking seungmins words from before and kept "am I not special to you?" Said in a low tone still pinning his eyes to the smaller.

Seungmin carried all the courage he had at the time. Trying not to look flustered by hyunjins actions and spoke up.

"And if you were why do you care? Go and find a girl to play with as always Hwang"
He said and toned the "Hwang" at the end, leaving faster than the flash. He didn't want hyunjin to see his blushing face. He was looking like a tomato rushing through the streets for his house trying to forget the tingling in his stomach.

Hyunjin on the other side was left alone at the empty haul. He was thinking. He was thinking why he started acting like this after the party. Why he kept thinking about what happens then. Why he wanted to be special to seungmin. For him to touch his hair.

He shook his head leaving the school and started walking to his house on the empty streets still thinking those things while that tingling feeling hit him to his stomach too. Not knowing what it was and why he felt it, he just ignored it thinking it was because he was hungry.

"End flashback"

The next day at the amusing park. Seungmin had forgotten the incident the day before because of the crazy and thrilling rides they went in.
Hyunjin was just trying to get closer to the other not knowing why.

Seungmin was really shy and frustrated the morning his friends called him. He released he had to face hyunjin and he really didn't want to. He didn't said anything to his friends when they asked and he was flab they didn't pushed him.

Wowwww! Really big chapter. I'm happy with how the story goes I hope you are too. I have a lot of motivation these days so that why I write a lot! If you liked it press the star ⭐️ and tell me your opinion in the comments

It motivates me a lot to see that you like the story and that my work pays of❤️

Love ya babes and see you on the next chapter 🫐

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