Watching from afar

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Chan saw the whole scene with a dad smile on his face. He knew that both boys liked each other a long time now. They just didn't want to admit. He knew that the whole teasing and bickering thing was just to caught the other's attention. He just waited for them to say it.

He might not saying a lot if thing but that didn't mean he wasn't looking. He wasn't blind bro just old (#au sorry I love him dont come after me 🐺)

He also had understood that something was going on between seungmin and hyunjin. The smaller one was trying to avoid hyunjin and didn't even looked at him. But the weird thing was that the taller didn't go out with girls like he used to and was teasing seungmin more than usual. That made him questioning a lot of thing about their behaviour.

As for his Aussie cousin..... he acted weirdly in front of the ohh so called pizza head boy. He was blushing from time to time and stutter a lot. He glanced and smiled secretly at the other thinking no one noticed. At the cafeteria,at the party, at the amusing park.....

Chan had noticed all these behaviours from his friends. That's why he tried to bring the two groups together. Maybe.... He wasn't the only one who had noticed differences on their acting ways.

Jeongin nudged the one next to him with his elbow bringing him back from his imagination and thoughts. He looked at the younger with a confused look in his eyes.

"Hyung... look" the younger whispered a smile spread across his face pointing in front of them.

The kangaroo Aussie then understood. It was changbin and felix. The freckled boy had lean on the muscular boy, sleeping on his cheast. The other smiling at the sight. Laying back carefully placing the Aussie on top of him not noticing that two people are looking at him. He placed a small kiss on the other's head and closed his eyes too.

Jeongin and chan were now fangirling (actually fanboying) quietly at the actions of their friends. They got up and started dancing happily like little girls that just got a new present from Santa. The only thing didn't seemed to remember is that in the same room except the two of them and the two "couples" were also hyunjin and seungmin.

Their eyes were on the two who were dancing happily.

"Wtf are you two doing...." Hyunjin started but cut off by seungmin

"A minute before you were hiding behind the pillows trying not to scream" he finished the other's words and then they looked at each other.

"Ya stop saying what I wanna say" the black haired one started

"No you said what I wanted to say"
The puppy looking boy spatted back

"You always do that. You think you are smarter than me book boy?"

"I am, prince boy" seungmin answered sassily back

"At least I get more girls than you do bookworm"

Now hyunjin and seungmin were facing each other. Fighting and arguing. Bangchan and jeongin were just looking at them not wanted to get into their fight.

"Maybe you have rusted after so many girls because these days you haven't got any"

"So you see what I'm doing Kim. Are you jealous perhaps?" He smirked

"Who me? Jealous? Of you? Dream Hwang dream."

Now things were out of hand. Before anyone could say something else to the other and anyone else wake up the older went to stop them.

"That's enough. What's wrong with you two always fighting these days?"

"NOTHING!" They said together looking anywhere except each other's eyes.

Hyunjin left and went to chans guest room as he was told to do by the older. Seungmin went to chans room with jeongin.

As for chan he closed the tv and of course took pictures of the "couples" on the floor. At the end he headed to the guest room with hyunjin.

"What's wrong with you and seungmin" he asked as he was entering the room.

"Nothing" he simply answered turning his back to the Aussie.

"Then why are you guys fighting all the time these days?" He sat on the bed.

"Its his fault"


"After teacher requested seungmin to tutor me I teased him. Bruh. He was answering back sassily and rude. Ahh he's so annoying. He said that only "special people" could touch his hair and other shits like that. Like haha who he think he is" hyunjin didn't released he had said all these things to chan. Not until he turned to see the other who hadn't answered.

He quickly shook his hands in front of him
"Ya hyung just forget what I said."
He said and turned his back again covering himself with the blanket pretending to sleep.

Chan was still shocked and confused. A lot of things to handle and understand. It was hard for him right now so he just fell asleep knowing that the next day he needed to have a long conversation and also a plan to implement.


Another chapter came to an end. Hope you like it and haven't got bored. Thank you for reading it so far.🐻‍❄️🧋
Please vote and comment. It gives me energy and motivation. 🌊
See ya on the next chapter

So these days I don't have a lot of motivation but here is an update🥗
Also I'm going on vacations so I'll not post a lot 🍪

Love ya babes ❤️

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