Exciting news

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Solar rays were coming through the window. It was warm and bright morning. It hit his eyes making them open slowly. He didn't released when he fell asleep and also when then sun have raised. Now that his eyes had adapted to the light he looked around. He saw Felix and changbin sleeping in each others arms. A smile formed on his lips.

He had understand that his twin had been liking the muscular a long time now. Even if the other denied it. He was really obvious. He chuckled remembering his best friend reaction every time he brought up changbin. He just then felt someone tightening their grip around him. He turned slowly coming face to face with Lee know.

A warm feeling filled up his body and his heart. He felt great but didn't want to admit. "I hate him why do I feel so safe around him. He is an asshole and a playboy" he kept repeating to himself.

"But like wow he's so pretty. His fluffy bed hair falling into his big eyes. While his red lips have formed a cute pout in his sleep." He continued arguing on his mind.

He didn't know when he started to pat and caressing his hair. They where soft. The other started moving but jisung didn't stop. He was staring the other smiling.

"YAAA GOOD MORNING MY MATES"  bang chan screamed from the kitchen.

That caused Minho to fell off the couch and jisung to jump up caughting him off guard. He fell on the other. His cheeks heat up while Minho's eyes drew holes on him. There was silence until chan broke it with a fake cough.

When they remembered that they weren't alone and someone was watching them they moved off each other faster than when Felix saw a mouse in his house once.

" y-ya nerd w-whats your problem" the brunette stuttered which didn't go unnoticed by the Australian in the room.

"Y-you.... I hate you" he said and left the room heading to the kitchen

On the other side we got Felix who was still sleeping on changbins arms even if the other had jumped by Chan's scream too. He also saw the scene between the two boys in front of him.

He wrote it on his head to tell Felix. Like the boy hadn't stop talking about his two friends liking each other. He even named them "minsung". At first he didn't believed him but after that......
Minho was standing there flustered. It was his first time seeing his best friend being like that.

Not a long after Felix opened his eyes as a result to meet changbins one's. He was about to yell but the muscular boy held his hand up to his mouth signaling the other to be quite. ( #au for those who didn't understand it was like this 🤫)

He saw from behind changbin ear Minho standing there and turned with a questioned look at the other. He signalled that he will explain later and they got up heading to the table.

After hyunjins arrival they started eating quietly. No one said a word.

After finishing their breakfast the boys went to their houses to get their stuff for school. They met at the schools gate. Not that they wanted it was just bangchan who said that if they don't see them at the gate he will burn their houses and they knew he wasn't kidding.

They had some time more before the bell rang so they sat on a bench starting a small conversation about their trip.

"They will announce today the information about the trip. Where do you think they will take us?" The oldest started.

"Jeju island?" Jeongin answered not really sure.

"Maybe. What do you think seungmin you are the class president they should have inform you about it."

Seungmin was lost in his thoughts not realising that everyone have their gases on him.

Felix tap him on the shoulder making him jump in surprise.

"Where is you mind mate?"

"What? Nowhere. Why?" He mumbled embarrassed.

"Anyways let's forget that. The class is about to start. See ya on lunch" jisung interrupted. Taking felix and seungmins hands heading to the class.

"Whats wrong with y'all?" The Australian asked breaking the silence.

"Nothing why?" Jisung was the one to answer while the puppy looking boy besides his stayed quiet.

"Don't talk with the others. Always lost in your thoughts. Like what are you thinking?" Felix asked

They were in front of the class now. Jisung signalled The freckled boy that he will tell him later at his house.

"He is my best friend he will help me" he said to himself walking into the classroom.

Good for them the lesson hadn't started so the teacher didn't yell at them or something else.
Jisung was thinking how he should tell Felix about his feelings towards Minho. He got interrupted by the teacher who walked in with a big smile on his face.

"Hello class. So today I'm gonna be talking about the trip you are going to have in two weeks. I'll give you the informations you need to know and you will have a week to answer us if you're coming or not" mr park started

The class filled with whispers and small talks between the students wondering where they are going and stuff. Mr park coughed to bring the attention to himself once again so he could continue.

"So as I was saying in two week we are going to have the trip you are all waiting for. This year we decided it will be great to visit a different place" he paused for a moment.

"The teachers and including me decided to take you to Japan."
Shoutings and exciting exclamations echoed in the whole classroom. Jisung turned to his friends with a big smile across his face seeing them smile as well.

"Quite please. It will be around 400$ but you will find more informations about it on the paper sheet I'll give you in a minute."

"We will stay for a week and I hope you can come and enjoy these seven days. That's it for today's lesson "
He finished and start giving out the paper sheets with more info on them.

When they got the papers jisung run to his best friends excited and they start walking all together out of the class.


"Omg it will be the best trip ever!!!" Jisung answered exhilarated.

They kept talking about the trip while seungmin was just reading his book not really paying attention to what they were talking about.

Meanwhile the other four boys were talking about the same topic just as excited as Felix and jisung were.

With these news our eight characters have already forgotten about what have happened before and their day went by with smiles on their faces and conversation about Japan.

I finally updated . I'm sorry for being late but I was on vacations with no motivation. This was a big chapter and I hope you liked it because I put effort in it. See you on the next chapter babes🦀🌸

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Love ya all and take care ❤️🍉🥝

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