What happened

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I slowly open my eyes and look around. My head hurts like a bomb. I can understand that I'm not in my room. I look besides me and someone lays there.
When I figured out who was it I just kick him out of bed. "Ya it's 11 in the fucking morning why did you kick me nerd" Minho asked angry and looked up at jisung. "Why are you sleeping here?" The other said while trying not to stare Minho's messy hair and morning voice. "Dude you asked me to. Don't blame me" and with that the squirrel like guy got up in shock. "Yeah you think bitch" he left the room while Minho followed him and when they arrived on the living room they saw something really unusual. It was seungmin under hyunjin laying on the couch and sleeping.

'They looked really cute' jisung thought. And a second after felix came to the living room too followed by changbin. They both had swallowed lips and Felix got some marks on his neck. "Had fun last night mate?" Jisung asked his twin in a whisper with a smirk on his face. "Ya what" the freckled boy said really loud because of this comment of his best friend and made hyunjin and seungmin wake up.
They looked at each other and jump up. "YA WHAT ARE YOU DOING" "WHY ARE YOU HERE" "WHY IM SLEEPING WITH YOU" "BITCH" it was all they were saying and then bangchan came in the house with jeongin and placed food on the table.
"Stop arguing and come eat" the older said and all went there, sit on the table and start eating. It was really awkward and silent. No one was talking. I didn't like that.
"Why did you drink so much yesterday" chan broke the silent and made everyone look at him.
"They were playing truth or dare and if they didn't do what they were told they had to drink" jeongin answered calm something that shocked everyone because they didn't see jeongin yesterday at the party.
"Wait how-" changbin was cut by jeongin.
" I was there the whole time I just came a little bit late and everyone had drink a lot already. I came when they kissed and I was really shocked" jeongin answered while pointing at me and Minho. Everyone was shocked and me either.

So here is another chapter. I hope you like it and didn't got bored. I actually like this story and j hope you too. See ya on the next chapter.
Love ya babes ❤️

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