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The next months went quickly and happy for everyone. They returned from the Japan trip. They left with one couple, and returned with three couples and a happy dad and son. They would spend the time together watching movies, going for walks, to the amusing park (which Felix asked again) and basically spend all the time together.

Now hyunjin and seungmin finally got into a relationship but still argue as always for little things.With hyunjin being a dramaqueen and seungmin giving back sassy answers as always. They were called the married couple duo.

Minho and jisung were happy together. Not arguing anymore, something that the others sometimes missed. They were cuddling and saying cute things to each other most of the time. But also when the one was hyped the other followed. They were meant for each other. They were called the lovely birds or minsung (because felix and changbin were calling them like that all the time even before they got together)

As for Felix and changbin.... These two are on a whole new level. Of course they were really close because they were in relationship before the others but they were a chaotic duo. Felix as always was fangirling with his twin for twice and drag changbin along. They even brought him to the twice concert they went. He would always going out for walks with felix and also having fun time together. They were the ones that would rise up everyone in the group.

Bangchan was proud and happy for everyone as always just like jeongin.

It was summer night.... Jisung was with Minho at his house. Cuddling and watching Netflix. Jisung was not paying attention on the movie thinking about different kinds of topics. Until he just spoke his thoughts out. "What will happen with us"
"What do you mean" now Minho was facing him.
" I mean when we finish high school... what will happen with us, with our friends, with our group with everything"
The squirrel boy answered starting to panic.

The older kissed him softly and hugged him tightly. The other wrapped his arms around his boyfriend not wanting to let go of him.

" we will be forever together. And with the others I promise" the brunette said smiling "do you really think they are gonna leave us alone? They are crazy as hell you might see them burst into the room with pizzas and alcohol"
Jisung chuckled and turning to face minho
"What if YOU leave me?"

"Not gonna happen I promise" he hugged him again and just as silence was feeling the air (not an awkward one) the door burst open with Felix, changbin and chan holding pizzas and the others hold alcohol.

"What up brothers from another mothers PIZZA AND ALCOHOL IS HERE" Felix shouted and sat on the floor putting the pizza on the table being followed by the others.

"Sorry to interrupt your lil cute moment but you can have that later" chan laughed and sat down.

Jisung and Minho looked at each other laughing about what just happened. And then they realised..... "I told you" said Minho and hugged jisung while starting a conversation with the others..

They realised that they are gonna stay forever. Those 8 crazy boys who at first were two different groups who hated each other but at the end became one who had three couples and two singles but happy singles in it.

Jisung forgot every question he had before and had a great time with everyone. And that kept happening. They were arguing one in a while but they stayed together forever..

~the end-


This story is finished
It's my first official completed story and I'm really proud of that. I hope you like the ending. It went fast but I think that if I write a lot of chapters at the end it's gonna get boring. I hope you liked the story and I'll start writing a new one. 🦋
Thank you so much for supporting this story and also me I appreciate it a lot😭

I love you all and see you on the next story ❤️🥰

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