I knew it!!!

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School ended and now Felix and jisung are at jisungs house arguing about food.

"Pizza is better"
"No let's eat noodles"

That was the situation some minutes ago but they ended up ordering rice cakes and cheesecake for dessert.

After food arrived they sat at the kitchen eating and talking about the school trip. Not until felix remembered that he forgot something.

"So mate. What happened and you couldn't say it at school. I was wondering the whole day. I  couldn't even watch twice new comeback because of that." Felix said with full mouth.

"I-ohh so I have a problem...." The other said and pause a little. After the little signal he got he continued.

"So one of my friends NOT ME, when he is with his oh so called enemy he started feeling different. Like you know some tickling in his stomach and warm....yeah and my FRIEND doesn't know what to do" jisung finished and watched his friend's reaction.

"Are you sure it's your frienddddf????" Felix smirked

"Yeah of course why would you ask? It's not like I might have a crush on Lee know no no" the squirrel boy said while a tint of pink spread across his cute little cheeks.

He started feeling embarrassed and hot. He didn't know why and felt shy around his best friend. He started sweat chuckling a little awkward.

"Mmmm so I think you  like Minho" Felix laughed a little at his friend's shyness and the shock he got when he realised what he had answered him.

"WAIT WHAT I TOLD YOU ITS NOT ME! you know I hate Lee know pfff why would I like him" jisung blushed hard now

"Yeah yeah whatever" he rolled his eyes playfully.

They kept talking and arguing about this topic until jisung confessed it.

"Okay fine it's me. You know that friend it's me." He finally said

"OMFG I KNEW IT! Minsung is finally real" Felix got up doing his little dance happily.

"What min- what . What are you talking about" jisung got up too but confused

"We saw how you two looking and acting with each other  these days so we thought that there was an attraction between the two of you. And Minsung like Minho and jisung ahhhh." He said crinkling his nose along with his eyes.

Jisungs eyes widen out of shock and his mouth fell wide open. He didn't know what to say with these informations or how to react.

"We...?" Was the only thing he could ask

"Ohhh yeah right me and changbin" he sat back down looking at the other boy in front of him.

"Changbin huh?" He smirked wanted to change the conversation.

Felix knew it and blushed right away. Forgetting about what they were talking about before.

"I-ohh y-yeah" he stuttered

"So what's up with you and changbin I have seen you together a lot the past days" he questioned

"N-nothing we are just f-friends" he looked everywhere except jisung eyes knowing that he will expose himself right away.

"I don't think that friends sleep on each other's arms and look at each other with sparkling eyes" jisung chuckled

"YA mate you do the same thing with Minho don't come after me" the Australian defended himself

"Anyways you can do something on the trip. It's the best chance" jisung said.

"Yeah right"

They spent the rest of the day talking about how they will come closer to changbin and Minho. What they will do and these type of things. They also watched anime and fell asleep without knowing how the time passed.



Hello babes
Here is another chapter. Jisung and Felix FINALLY confessed. What do you think they will do on the trip? Anyways I hope you like the chapter and comment your thoughts.

Love ya all and stay safe ❤️🌸💎

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