I wont drink

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It was actually a bad idea to admit on playing truth or dare or drink.
Because now we are sitting on a big room drinking  and also  the bottle landed on me.It was hyunjin that was asking me and deep down I was afraid.

At least I was really drunk and couldn't understand what I was actually doing just like seungmin and Felix. They were both really sobered and were acting really weird. Especially seungmin. Dude this boy can't handle alcohol how he drinks so much? Anyways my thoughts were interrupted by hyunjin.

"So jisung truth or dare?"
"Dare" i answered fast because I knew that if I picked true Minho would make fun of me. I looked at him with a smirk and turned my face to hyunjin. "Close your eyes and kiss the first person you touch. But we won't tell you who you kissed."
I was taken aback from what he said but agreed anyways. I wasn't really thinking of what I was doing so I got up and someone wrapped a tower around my face to cover my eyes.

I was walking around the room until I found someone. The were a little taller that me and a little muscular. That's all I could feel. I didn't took a second change and just kissed the person in front of me without knowing who it was. They probably taken aback but after a little they kissed back.
The person wrapped their hands around me and we kept kissing. Omg he was really hot for that. I wish I could see them.

Little did he know that the person he was kissing was the one and only lee Minho. The one he hated. He was kissing his enemy and he liked just like Minho too. But he never admitted it even if he kissed back.
After some minutes after Minho realised that the others could see them he pushed jisung and sat down angry.

Jisung took the towel off and sat down a little dizzy but shy too. They kept playing, no one was talking about what happened a while ago. Their friends were shocked about the incident.

After some time the bottle landed on Felix and they dared him to make out with changbin. Something that he did because he couldn't understand but didn't care either. Jisung was happy for his "twin" and he imagines the next day and how he would tell his best friend about it.

As I saw changbin wasn't bothered at all with the situation. They didn't wait the others to finish and kept playing. Jisung caught Minho staring or taking glances at him but he just ignored him.

The bottle landed on seungmin who was really drank. Hyunjin decided to take him upstairs to rest and they left.

Like that everyone left and we stayed just the six of us. Now that I wonder where is bangchan and jeongin? But before he could answer his own question he felt someone lift him up and took him to a room, lied him on the bed and after that he just slept peacefully. Not knowing what was happening around him.


Here we are with another chapter. I hope you like it. I did my best on writing this. Tell me your opinion and see ya on the next chapter.
Love ya babes ❤️

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